I received a DVD in exchange for my honest review.
Pocoyo is such a cute show and fun for little ones. This April, there is a new Pocoyo series available on DVD, “Lets Go Pocoyo”! This DVD is packed with episodes to enjoy. I love DVDs like this that are broken up into shorter episodes, since younger kids usually have a shorter attention span and I can also decide how much screen time they get.

Pocoyo, the unforgettable little boy with a very big personality, returns with all of his friends, Elly, Pato, Loula, Sleepy Bird, and more, in this new series! Lets Go Pocoyo offers children a unique approach to learning the English language through simple, basic vocabulary. This new series of Pocoyo continues to embody the core philosophy of learning through laughter. By utilizing a blend of humor and learning, Pocoyo inspires and informs children about the world around them. Embark on eleven playtime adventures with Pocoyo and friends as they learn the importance of playtime is enjoying it with others. Enjoy playing hide and seek to playing dress up as pirates! Ahoy there, Pocoyo! Learning through laughter has never been this fun! Plus, each episode includes a refresher section in which children are reminded of key words that have been covered during Pocoyos adventures such as colors, animals, and shapes. Each episode ends with a catchy music clip reinforcing one last time those important new words. Every day is an adventure with Pocoyo and friends.

This DVD is packed with fun and music videos. Younger kids will enjoy watching the show, learning things along the way. The show helps kids to learn things from words to sharing with friends and more.
“Lets Go Pocoyo” has a runtime of 80 minutes – plenty of entertainment for the kids!
This DVD is available April 11, 2017!
I would like to win this for my niece. She has never seen this movie before but I think she would like it.