This product was provided free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
I was intrigued when I heard about the Green Pea Cookie. I love trying new foods, and this vegan cookie with green peas sounded unique and a healthy twist on the average cookie. Within a matter of hours, we had scarfed down our first bag!

To most of you, Green Pea Cookie is a completely new taste and the first of its kind in the USA. It is a scrumptious, guilt-free, vegan cookie that we believe would definitely put a smile on your face. Some people tell us that it tastes like a shortbread cookie, some say it tastes like a Mexican Wedding cookie. Green pea cookies are a delicate balance of roasted green peas, a spot of sugar, flour (or a gluten-free rice flour substitute), organic sunflower oil and a little bit of salt. 100% vegan and only 100 calories in 6 cookies! They’re savory and sweet at the same time and they’re crunchy and crumbly, too.
So what is in a green pea cookie? Just a few simple ingredients.
The Green Pea Cookies are cute.. and addictive. They are sweet, but not too sweet, and there is a touch of savory saltiness to it as well. I ate quite a few of these in one sitting because they are just so good! But at the same time, they have a lightness to them. So although I overindulged on them a bit, I didn’t have that gross feeling I get when I eat some awful junk food.

These cookies are so cute, and make a great tea cookie or a light treat.

My 7-year-old is pretty game for trying new foods. She was excited.. then hesitated for a second when I showed her the cookies, perhaps because they are green. After one cookie, she wanted more.. and after dinner she jumped at the opportunity to finish the handful left in the bag! She also wants the Green Pea Cookie company to make a plush green pea toy to go along with the shirt she would like me to order!

Overall, we loved these little cookies, and my daughter wants to know when we are getting more! This is a Kickstarter project, so I am happy to support a great project (and eat more cookies!).
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