As the cold weather rolls in, having a working, reliable furnace is crucial to keep your home warm and comfortable. However, furnaces can be complicated machines and when problems arise, misinformation and myths often circulate about proper furnace repairs. This blog will uncover six common furnace repair Tacoma WA-located myths and reveal the actual truth about maintaining and fixing furnace issues, so you can make informed decisions about this vital home system.

Furnaces Last Forever If Maintained Properly

This is a very common myth. The truth is that even well-maintained furnaces have a functional lifespan of only about 15 to 20 years. As internal components age, they become much more prone to breaking down, no matter how diligent you are about care and maintenance. Expect to invest in replacing your entire furnace unit at least once, if not twice, while living in your current home.

DIY Repairs Always Save Money

While small routine maintenance like changing filters, adjusting temperature controls, or inspecting vents can easily be DIY, most actual furnace repairs like a broken blower motor, faulty igniter, or damaged control board require specialized tools, in-depth technical knowledge, and HVAC certification. Attempting major repairs without proper training risks further damaging your system or even causing injury. Leave the furnace maintenance and repairs to trained HVAC professionals to ensure the job is done safely and correctly.

The cost of professional repairs is almost always lower than the hefty price tag of replacing an entire furnace due to amateur faulty repairs.

No Heat Means My Furnace Needs Replacing

One of the most worrying furnace issues is a lack of heat during cold weather. However, no heat does not automatically signify complete furnace failure. More often, it indicates a specific but repairable problem like a faulty igniter, broken thermostat, wiring issue, or clogged air filter. Before assuming you need to replace the entire unit due to lack of heat, always have a certified HVAC technician fully assess the system to determine if targeted repairs can restore normal operation.

My Furnace Will Heat My Home No Matter How Cold It Gets

A furnace’s heating capacity is measured in BTUs that indicate its ability to produce warm air. Very old or improperly sized furnaces often struggle to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature on extremely cold winter days. Upgrading to a right-sized, modern high-efficiency furnace can provide noticeably improved heating performance in cold weather.

Cleaning My Ducts Will Boost Energy Efficiency

While clean air ducts allow better, less restricted airflow, cleaning them has a relatively minimal impact on your furnace’s overall energy efficiency despite bold claims of dramatically lower bills from duct cleaning companies. Upgrades like a heating system maintenance check, new filter, or more substantial repairs provide much more noticeable effects on energy use compared to just duct cleaning alone.

Weird Noises Indicate a Problem

Some odd new sounds like whistles, squeaks or drips can occasionally indicate an underlying mechanical issue. However, many perfectly normal furnace operation noises may sound strange if you aren’t familiar with them. Taking time to educate yourself on typical furnace sounds can prevent you from overreacting unnecessarily. If in doubt, contact a technician to listen and determine if new noises require repairs.

Furnaces are complex home heating systems prone to many misconceptions and myths surrounding their repair and maintenance. As you care for your furnace this winter and beyond, rely on the expertise of certified HVAC professionals over questionable DIY advice or furnace fallacies. Understanding common myths versus the truth about furnace repairs will empower you to catch problems early and make smart, cost-effective maintenance decisions for this vital system. With realistic expectations and diligent care, your furnace can provide safe, consistent warmth for many years.