When going through the divorce process, many women think that they will never get into a relationship with another man. They feel disappointed and betrayed and don’t want to risk going through all of it again. However, as days go by, their hearts heal, and they reach the point where they are ready to start dating again.

If you are a single mom and want to find the right man, consider these tips when starting your search.

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Be Open with Your Kids

Before you go on a first date, you should start talking with your kids about the upcoming changes in your life. Depending on the age of your kids and their relationship with their dad, you may choose different strategies.

If you believe your kids will not like the idea of you looking for new relationships, you should try the following approach:

  • First, you should start mentioning here and there that you miss something important in your life. 
  • You can invite your older kids to watch a romantic comedy together, wait for the right moment, and then say that “finding someone who will love you genuinely is the biggest happiness in life”.
  • Last, you can tell your kids that your divorced friend Emily has used this awesome app to find her Mr. Right, and now she is the happiest person ever.

Discuss the topic of romantic relationships with your kids indirectly for a few weeks. It will make them understand that you’re done being single and ready to move. The better you prepare your kids, the more likely they will support you. If you choose the right approach, your teenage kids will understand your needs and offer you to create a profile on a dating app. 

Spend Quality Time with Your Kids

One of the main reasons kids don’t want their moms to have romantic relationships is that they are afraid that mommy will love them less. Therefore, you need to show your kids that you love them in the first place, and no man can change it. 

Spend as much quality time with your son and daughter as you can so they feel loved and cared for. Play the games they like the most, do some crazy DIY projects, go on a trip to Disney – do whatever makes your kids happy so they will know that your bonds are strong and they will never lose you.

Don’t Overshare

If your kids ask you about your dates, you can tell them where you go and with whom. But you shouldn’t provide any specific details regarding your romantic experience. It’s an adult life, and kids don’t understand it much. 

Even if you have a grown-up daughter who goes on dates herself, you shouldn’t share much information with her. Save the details for your adult friends – your kids are not the right audience.

Find a Perfect Dress

Divorce and long pauses in dating affect the self-esteem of the woman. So, if you don’t feel confident enough, find a way to fix it. Buy a lovely dress that fits you perfectly. When you look sexy and receive flattering compliments, the conversation flows naturally. 

Talk about Yourself

When you are on a date, you can mention that you have kids and they are an important part of your life. But make sure that your kids is not the only topic you discuss. Talk about your hobbies, job, traveling experience, and other things that bring you joy. Your date wants to know you as a woman, not just as a mom.

Wrapping Up

Remind yourself that your kids need a happy mom. Start dating again if you feel like your life is incomplete without a romantic relationship. Sooner or later, you will meet ‘the one’, who will become your life-long partner.