Tap water can contain many contaminants that affect its taste, smell, and safety. I often wonder what’s really in the water coming out of my faucet. It’s important to know what we’re drinking and how to make it cleaner.

Granular activated carbon filters can remove many harmful substances from tap water, making it safer and better-tasting. I’ve learned that these filters use tiny pieces of carbon with lots of surface area to trap contaminants. It’s amazing how something so simple can make such a big difference in water quality. Let’s look at some of the top things these filters can take out of our drinking water.

1) Lead

I’m sure you’ve heard about the dangers of lead in drinking water. It’s a big concern for many of us. Lead can sneak into our tap water through old pipes and fixtures.

The good news is that granular activated carbon (GAC) filters can be effective at removing lead. These filters work through a process called adsorption. The carbon binds to the lead particles, trapping them inside the filter.

Not all activated carbon filters are the same, though. I’ve learned that only specialized ones are designed to tackle lead. It’s important to check the product details to make sure it’s rated for lead removal.

GAC filters can be really good at their job. When used correctly, they can remove up to 99.9% of certain contaminants from water. That’s pretty impressive!

But here’s something to keep in mind: GAC filters might not be enough on their own if you have high levels of lead in your water. In those cases, I’d suggest using them as part of a larger water treatment system.

Regular maintenance is key. I always make sure to replace my filter cartridges on time. This keeps the filter working at its best and ensures it continues to remove lead effectively.

2) Chlorine

Chlorine is a common tap water contaminant that I often encounter. It’s added to water supplies to kill harmful bacteria and microorganisms. While this is good for public health, it can leave an unpleasant taste and smell in our drinking water.

Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters are great at removing chlorine. They can remove up to 99.9% of chlorine from water, which is impressive!

I’ve noticed that when I use a GAC filter, my water tastes and smells much better. The chlorine odor disappears, making the water more enjoyable to drink.

GAC filters work by attracting chlorine molecules to their surface. As water passes through the filter, the chlorine sticks to the carbon, leaving cleaner water behind.

It’s worth noting that while chlorine is important for water treatment, long-term exposure to high levels might have health effects. That’s why I think using a GAC filter is a smart choice for improving water quality at home.

Remember, GAC filters need regular replacement to keep working effectively. I always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure my filter is doing its job properly.


PFOS and PFOA are tricky chemicals that can sneak into our tap water. They’re part of a group called PFAS, which stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. These chemicals are tough to get rid of, but I’ve got good news!

Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters are great at removing PFOS and PFOA from drinking water. These filters can be really effective when used properly. In fact, GAC can be 100 percent effective for a period of time, depending on the type of carbon used and how the filter is set up.

I’ve found that GAC filters work best when water flows through them after other particles have been removed. This helps the carbon focus on catching those pesky PFAS chemicals.

When shopping for a filter, I always look for ones that are certified to remove PFAS. As of April 2024, filter certifications focus on removing PFOA and PFOS specifically.

The cost of these filters can vary widely. I’ve seen them range from as little as $20 to over $1,000. Of course, don’t forget to factor in maintenance costs too.

I think it’s important to note that while GAC filters are great, they’re not the only option. Reverse osmosis filters can also be effective for removing PFAS. It’s always a good idea to compare different types before making a choice.

4) Mercury

Mercury is a nasty contaminant that can sneak into our tap water. I’m glad to say that granular activated carbon (GAC) filters can remove mercury from water quite effectively.

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can cause serious health problems. It might get into our water from industrial pollution or natural sources. Even small amounts can be harmful, especially for kids and pregnant women.

GAC filters are great at trapping mercury. They work by attracting the mercury particles to their surface as water passes through. This process is called adsorption.

The efficiency of mercury removal depends on a few things. The type of GAC used, how long the water stays in contact with it, and the initial mercury levels all play a role. But generally, GAC does a good job.

Some GAC filters can remove up to 99.9% of mercury from water. That’s pretty impressive! It means they can often bring mercury levels down to less than 1 microgram per liter.

I think it’s important to note that while GAC is effective, it’s not a permanent solution. The filter will eventually get full of mercury and need to be replaced. Regular maintenance is key to keeping your water mercury-free.

5) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, are a group of chemicals that can sneak into our tap water. I’ve found that these pesky substances often come from industrial processes, agricultural runoff, and even household products.

Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters are great at capturing VOCs. They can remove up to 99.9% of many VOCs from our drinking water. This high efficiency makes me feel much safer about the water I drink.

Some common VOCs that GAC filters tackle include benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE), and tetrachloroethylene (PCE). These chemicals can be harmful if we’re exposed to them over time, so it’s important to keep them out of our water.

I like how GAC filters can often reduce VOC levels to below 1 microgram per liter. That’s a really tiny amount! It shows just how effective these filters can be at cleaning our water.

What’s cool about GAC is that it doesn’t just remove bad tastes and smells. It actually grabs onto the VOC molecules as water passes through the filter. This process is called adsorption.

I think it’s amazing how GAC has been used for water purification since the early 1900s. Over time, the technology has only gotten better at tackling these tricky contaminants.

6) Herbicides

Herbicides are chemicals used to kill unwanted plants. They often end up in our water supply through runoff from farms and gardens. This can be a problem for our health if we drink that water.

I’m happy to report that granular activated carbon filters can remove many herbicides from tap water. These filters are really good at trapping chemicals like these.

Some common herbicides that might be in your water include atrazine and glyphosate. These are used a lot in farming. Activated carbon is great at getting rid of them.

I’ve found that these filters can remove up to 99% of some herbicides. That’s pretty impressive! It means your water will be much cleaner after going through the filter.

It’s important to change your filter regularly. Herbicides can build up over time. A fresh filter works best to keep your water clean and safe.

I’m glad we have this technology to help protect us from unwanted chemicals in our drinking water. It gives me peace of mind knowing my tap water is being cleaned of these potentially harmful substances.

7) Pesticides

I’m glad you asked about pesticides! These pesky chemicals can sneak into our tap water from farms and gardens. Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters are great at trapping many types of pesticides.

GAC works by adsorbing pesticide molecules onto its surface. This means the pesticides stick to the carbon, leaving your water cleaner and safer to drink.

Did you know that GAC filters can remove up to 99% of some common pesticides? That’s pretty impressive! But it’s important to remember that not all pesticides are caught equally well.

Some pesticides are trickier to filter out than others. The effectiveness depends on things like the size of the pesticide molecules and how well they stick to carbon.

I always recommend changing your GAC filter regularly. This helps make sure it keeps working its best to catch those unwanted pesticides.

It’s also good to know that while GAC filters are great for many contaminants, they might not catch everything. For the best protection, you might want to use GAC along with other filtering methods.

8) Pharmaceutical Residues

Pharmaceutical residues in tap water are a growing concern. These tiny amounts of medicines can come from various sources, including human and animal waste. They often slip through regular water treatment processes.

Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters are great at catching these pesky contaminants. They work by trapping pharmaceutical compounds as water passes through the carbon.

I’ve found that GAC filters can remove many common drug residues. This includes painkillers, antibiotics, and even some mood-altering medications. It’s pretty impressive how well they work!

Studies show that GAC treatment can be highly effective. In some cases, it can reduce pharmaceutical concentrations in water significantly.

I think it’s important to note that not all pharmaceuticals are removed equally. Some are easier to catch than others. But overall, GAC filters do a good job at improving water quality.

Using a GAC filter at home can give you peace of mind. It’s an extra layer of protection against unwanted medicines in your drinking water. Plus, it’s a simple way to make your tap water cleaner and safer.

What Are Granular Activated Carbon Filters?

Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters are powerful water purification tools. They use special carbon material to clean tap water. Let’s look at how they work and why they’re so helpful.

How They Work

GAC filters use tiny pieces of carbon to clean water. The carbon is “activated” by heating it to very high temperatures. This creates lots of tiny pores on its surface. As water flows through the filter, chemicals stick to these pores.

The process is called adsorption. It’s like a magnet attracting metal shavings. But instead of metal, the carbon attracts chemicals. The more porous the carbon, the better it works. Some GAC filters can remove up to 99% of certain contaminants!

Key Benefits

GAC filters offer many benefits for improving tap water quality:

  1. They remove bad tastes and smells
  2. They get rid of chlorine
  3. They trap many harmful chemicals

GAC filters are also easy to use. I can install them under my sink or in a pitcher. They don’t need electricity to work. And they’re pretty low-maintenance.

Another plus is their long life. A good GAC filter can last 6 months to a year before needing replacement. This makes them a cost-effective choice for cleaner water.

GAC filters can even remove PFAS, a group of harmful chemicals found in some water supplies. This ability to tackle tough contaminants is a big reason why I like using GAC filters in my home.

How GAC Filters Improve Tap Water Quality

Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters make a big difference in tap water quality. They tackle many common issues that affect how our water looks, tastes, and smells. Let me explain the key ways these filters work their magic.

Removal of Harmful Chemicals

GAC filters are champs at getting rid of nasty stuff in our water. They can remove up to 99.9% of many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene. These filters work through adsorption, which means they trap chemicals on their surface.

I’ve found that GAC filters are great for:

  • Catching chlorine and its byproducts
  • Trapping pesticides and herbicides
  • Removing industrial solvents
  • Filtering out pharmaceuticals

They’re also good at dealing with PFAS, those tricky “forever chemicals” we hear about. While they can’t get everything, they make a big dent in many harmful contaminants.

Improved Taste and Odor

I love how GAC filters make water taste and smell better. They’re really good at tackling common issues that make our tap water less enjoyable.

Here’s what I’ve noticed:

  • They get rid of that chlorine taste and smell
  • They remove musty or earthy odors
  • They improve the overall flavor of water

GAC filters are especially great at dealing with hydrogen sulfide, which causes that yucky rotten egg smell. They also help with getting rid of weird tastes from algae blooms or other organic matter.

By taking out these taste and odor issues, GAC filters make our tap water much more pleasant to drink. This often means we’re more likely to stay hydrated and skip bottled water.