Healthy women play a vital role in shaping a healthy next generation. Their well-being directly affects prenatal and postnatal care, influencing the health of unborn children and young ones, who will be the future of the nation.

If you ask any mom, about why she is not taking care of her health, she would probably say something like this, “As a woman, I sometimes forget to take care of myself because I focus a lot on taking care of my family. I naturally want to make sure they’re happy and healthy, so I put their needs ahead of my own. It gets busy trying to manage work, household chores, and family responsibilities, so I don’t have much time for myself. But I know it’s important to take care of myself too, so finding a balance between family and my well-being is essential. Yet, this is how we are meant to be…”
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) have been a leading cause of death among women for decades, responsible for three in every four deaths – says WHO. In a bid to prioritize women’s health, nations are rolling out comprehensive healthcare programs designed to address their specific needs. A nation earns the esteemed title ‘A Healthy Nation’ when its citizens bask in a long life expectancy, are graced with minimal infant mortality rates, and are bestowed with unfettered access to top-tier, cost-effective healthcare services.
So, the following two categories broadly educate us on women-specific healthcare covers offered by leading insurance providers:
Maternity and Reproductive Health:
1. Maternity coverage offers comprehensive maternity health insurance for prenatal care, childbirth, and postnatal care, including expenses related to delivery and hospitalization.
2. Reproductive health services include coverage for fertility treatments, assisted reproductive technologies, and related consultations.
3. Breast cancer coverage offers breast cancer screenings, diagnostics, treatments, and reconstructive surgeries.
4. Cervical cancer coverage offers cervical cancer screenings (e.g., Pap smears), diagnostic tests, and treatments.
5. Gynecological conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) would be covered for related treatments and surgeries related to gynecological conditions
6. Hormonal disorders-related treatments and medications for hormonal imbalances and related health issues are covered by insurers
7. Maternal and infant care offers coverage for postnatal care, pediatric services, and vaccinations for newborns.
8. Family planning services provide coverage for family planning consultations, contraception, and related services.
General Health and Wellness:
1. Women’s wellness programs provide incentives for preventive care, including access to regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive screenings.
2. Mental health services offered by medical insurance companies offer comprehensive coverage for mental health, including counseling and therapy.
3. Osteoporosis and bone health coverage provide bone density tests, treatments, and medications related to osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions.
In the realm of national health, both men and women make vital contributions through their distinct roles. Women are integral as caregivers and health decision-makers in families and communities, emphasizing the well-being of their loved ones by ensuring access to healthcare, proper nutrition, and preventive measures. Moreover, women’s substantial involvement in the healthcare workforce, as nurses, doctors, and other professionals, plays a crucial part in delivering quality healthcare services and driving medical research forward.
By investing in women’s health, countries aim to empower women, decrease maternal and infant mortality rates, and foster healthier societies, capitalizing on women’s vital role in the workforce and community.
Everyone in the family must care for the women’s health in their family, as it fosters a supportive and nurturing environment, and strengthens family bonds. We need to ensure women in the family have access to healthcare, regular check-ups, and preventive measures.
Getting health insurance for women is beneficial for both the individual and the nation. It promotes fairness and empowers women to access better healthcare. Health insurance addresses their specific health needs, making them healthier and stronger. This helps the country grow economically and improves society as a whole. In the end, women’s health insurance leads to a stronger and more equal nation, with healthier and empowered communities.
According to data from National Family Health Survey India report, only 30% of women aged 15-49 are covered by health insurance between 2019-2021. Obtaining health insurance for women ensures their access to quality healthcare, promoting their well-being and contributing to a healthier nation as empowered and healthy women uplift families and society as a whole. So get an insurance for the one in your family!
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