Are you about to enter the “old age of youth,” the transitional 40s? Perhaps you’re already there and wondering if a loss of vigor and vibrancy will mark this decade. 

There is good news for you: it’s possible to enjoy good energy levels at any age, no matter what our youth-obsessed culture believes. It’s almost become a superpower, which is why we call it age-defying energy levels. 

The secret to beating fatigue in your 40s can be found in small, consistent investments made in both physical and psychological health. Are you ready to know more? Keep reading as this article will share five ways women can stay dynamic and spirited in the fifth decade of their lives and beyond. 

Prioritize Sleep 

Just like breathing or eating/drinking, sleep is critical for survival. Yet, it can sometimes seem elusive, a common byproduct of age-related changing patterns. This means you must become more intentional about your sleep schedule after 40. 

The Sleep Foundation shares that sleep and energy levels are closely linked. It’s a process that helps the body to conserve and restore energy. So, how much sleep is enough? Healthline states that those between the ages of 18 and 64 require at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night. 

Are you able to prioritize this required amount? If not, it’s time to take some concrete steps:

  • Establish a fixed sleep routine where you go to bed at the same time every night. 
  • Create a sleep-promoting environment by eliminating noise, bright lights, and other distractions. 
  • Banish your phone from the bedroom, or at least the nearby nightstand. 
  • Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, and other stimulants from your diet. 
  • Have your dinner at least two to three hours before bed. 

Address Potential Hormonal Changes 

Our 40+ years as women are rife with changes often caused due to fluctuating hormonal levels. It’s the decade when perimenopause begins to set in for most women. When it does, one of the first things that takes a hit is one’s energy levels. 

According to EVEXIAS Medical Centers, symptoms of hormonal changes also include mood disorders, insomnia, and hot flashes. For some women, this stage may last for a short time. Others could stay in the transitional period for several years. 

Know that you don’t have to accept chronic fatigue as a normal part of your life, even after 40. If you suspect any hormonal imbalances, seek out relevant solutions. Let’s look at a few effective ones:

  • Keeping a healthy gut microbiome through probiotics, eating slowly, and proper hydration
  • Maintaining a moderate weight
  • Consuming herbal supplements that may help balance hormones
  • Undergoing hormone therapy for women to replenish the production of estrogen and progesterone
  • Getting plenty of Vitamin D from the sun or a relevant supplement

Consume a Clean and Balanced Diet 

Processed and packaged foods can make anyone feel sluggish and heavy. They are particularly dangerous to consume as you age. Slower metabolism and poor digestion that result from an unhealthy diet will sap your energy levels. 

The adage that we are what we eat is never going to lose its relevance. In case of low energy levels, check what’s on your plate. A cheat day once in a while is fine but junk should not be the standard diet. 

Now, a healthy and balanced diet after 40 will depend largely on individual health conditions and nutritional needs. Since we’re focusing on energy levels, the following will comprise a fatigue-reduction diet:

  • Whole grains like whole wheat or quinoa for complex carbohydrates 
  • Eggs, chicken, fish, beans, and nuts that provide lean protein
  • Avocados, olive oil, and seeds for healthy fats 
  • A variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to get antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals 

Besides these, sufficient hydration is also of utmost importance. Drink plenty of water at regular intervals as even mild dehydration can cause fatigue. 

Engage in Regular Exercise 

Do you participate in regular exercise? If not, it’s time to reconsider your priorities. Studies have found that women’s exercise needs are different from men’s. This means regular exercise is essential, especially after 40. 

On average, your body will need around 150 to 300 minutes of moderately intense aerobic activity every week. If the physical activity is intense, stick to a range of 75 to 150 minutes each week. Movement through exercise will keep your joints in good health, increase bone density, and prevent major diseases. 

Most importantly, it will maintain adequate energy levels. The Mayo Clinic notes that exercise sends much-needed oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues. As a result, the cardiovascular system functions optimally, thereby providing energy to handle daily chores. 

So, which exercises are the most beneficial to boost energy levels? 

  • Walk around the block for at least 45 minutes to an hour. 
  • Do some quick stretching to improve blood circulation. 
  • Intermittently, switch your walks with a 20-minute jog in the woods. 
  • If you’re able, engage in a relaxing swim. 
  • Strength training is also a good way to spike energy levels. 
  • Consider cycling when you’re running errands within the neighborhood. 

Manage Stress Properly 

One’s physical health is just a small part of their overall well-being. Sometimes, our energy levels dampen due to psychological stress. 

A short-term stress response is the body’s survival mechanism that replenishes energy reserves. It helps us get out of dangerous and uncomfortable situations. When the fight-or-flight mode remains perpetually on, that’s when fatigue and sleep disruptions creep in. 

Besides low energy, experiencing emotional outbursts, sleeplessness, and a sense of nihilism point toward chronic stress. Here are some ways you can manage it for improved health:

  • Be intentional about socializing with friends and family. Having a quality social life is important. 
  • Express your emotions to trusted people, even a counselor if that’s what you feel is needed. 
  • Maintain a positive and realistic outlook when it comes to achieving goals. 
  • Schedule leisure time where you focus on doing things simply for the joy of the process. 
  • Maintain a gratitude journal where you count your blessings. 
  • Set time aside for meditation, mindfulness, or any spiritual activity you’re interested in. 

Did you know that women in the US are more likely to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome? This is an overwhelming sort of fatigue that cannot be remedied through rest. 

Many people with this condition fear that they will not be taken seriously. Chronic low energy levels, even after 40, are not normal. Don’t let it get to the point where you develop other health issues. 

Nip the problem in its bud using the tips we have discussed in this article. The sooner you take action, the faster you will be able to enjoy age-defying energy levels.