Tension headaches start in the shoulder and neck muscles and feel like pressure on your temples and forehead. Stress is one of the key culprits behind tension headaches. 

Some people take prescribed medication to reduce stress and ease tension headache pain. While some people support the use of cannabis products for headaches and stress relief, they often order them through cannabis delivery in Northern California. If you are wondering how to reduce stress and prevent tension headaches naturally, follow the below tips that might help:

Woman holding her head in her hand.

Ways to reduce stress and prevent tension headaches


Laughter helps to relieve the physical symptoms of stress and releases endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkiller. They promote pleasure and can alleviate pain and reduce stress.  

Get Better Sleep:

Be sure you get the proper amount of sleep. Your body and mind need a respite to regroup and rejuvenate. You need at least 7-8 hours each night to allow your body to get the rest it needs. Turn off the television one-half hour before you sleep, and do not eat any heavy food before trying to sleep.

Immerse yourself in a hobby that you enjoy

Take up a hobby, or find a recreational sport you enjoy. If you can immerse yourself in a hobby, favorite sport, or activity, you may be able to reduce the amount of tension and prevent future headaches.

Train yourself to think positively:

We know that sometimes that is the hardest to do, especially when prospects do not look good for the outcome you hope for. Try replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. 

Connect with others

Spend time with your friends and family. If you don’t have enough time to meet with your friends, call your close friend or family member. Stress can often be relieved and put into perspective by talking about the circumstances.

Write down your thoughts and feelings.

Take a few minutes each day to write down your thoughts and feelings. Lay your heart out on that paper. Keep it locked or put it in a safe place if you don’t want others to read it, but the important part is to get the emotions out and help you relieve stress and prevent tension headaches. 

Use relaxation techniques:

Relaxation techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, not only help relieve stress but also prevent stress headaches. You can also try yoga, tai chi, and other gentle exercises. 

Take a Break

Sometimes, taking a break from your daily grind or stressful situations can help prevent tension headaches. Take some rest, go for a walk, or spend some time in nature. This will help you shift your awareness to something other than what makes you feel stressed. 

Get Support

Underlying stress can lead to tension headaches. Talk to your friend or family member about what is upsetting you. You can also get help from a professional counselor to figure out what is making you feel tense and how you can manage stress and prevent tension headaches.