Blogging is a laborious task, and you can do it for years without seeing any income. This is because it can take more to make more, and your organic traffic takes a long time to acquire. But there are some easy ways you can boost your blog income for a little extra cash on the side.

Add Widgets and Plugins
One of the simplest ways to make money from your blog is to add interactive elements such as widgets and plugins that will pay you for a certain action. For example, you can make money with Lensa using their job board widget or other blog-relevant plugins like TravelPayOuts for booking holidays. All you need to do for widgets and plugins is add the code to your blog via your CMS and watch your income increase whenever a user performs the required action.
Place Paid Ads
Of course, you know by now that the web is essentially a giant ad board. So why not put it to use? You can make money by placing paid advertising across your site. Google Ads is a great way to automatically insert relevant ads into your blog. But it’s best to configure it so they aren’t plastered all over the place, as this can decrease usability and slow down your blog speed. If you aren’t comfortable using Google Ads, there are plugins like WP-Insert and AdPlugg.
Boost Your Blog Income with Affiliate Links
You can also sign up for an affiliate program to make more cash via your blog. Unlike ads, affiliate links offer a better solution because of the way you must use them in relevant spaces. For example, your new quick steak recipe page could include affiliate links to an Amazon air fryer product. This is relevant to your (cooking) blog and already has user interest. However, you must also place affiliate links on existing high-traffic pages to get the most out of them.
Sell Products on Your Site
Like affiliate links, you can simply sell products on your blog. However, unlike strategically placing relevant affiliate links, you can create paid or sponsored posts specifically dedicated to a product. You can publish or create interactive ads, press releases, landing pages, or reviews. Reviews actually work really well and will rank much higher. Additionally, people search for product reviews a lot, and you can enhance your review using rich elements such as stars.
Create Extra or Subscription Content
If you happen to be good at something and your blog represents this, people will pay you for extra content. For example, suppose your blog niche is focused on holistic or alternative therapies. In that case, you could offer subscriber access or eBooks about learning specific aspects such as how to heal with Reiki, the uses of different herbs, or the safe use of essential oils. Of course, you must also be more in-depth with topics easily found on the web elsewhere.
You can boost your blog income with a little extra effort. Widgets and plugins can pay you for placing them, you can use affiliate links where necessary, or charge for added-value content.
I’ve just started my own skincare blog and this is really useful info. Thanks!