Traditions are important because they bring a sense of security; they build memories in the present while allowing us to connect with the past. So either continuing with traditions you grew up with or starting some new ones with your own family is always a good idea. They don’t have to be groundbreaking, but adding a few regular activities to your routine to enjoy and celebrate different things is always going to be a good thing. Here are some ideas to consider. 

Regular family dinner time

Research has shown time and time again that eating together as a family is extremely beneficial for children. They’re more likely to eat healthier food and have a better attitude towards healthy eating. And having that time to connect with parents each evening keeps bonds strong meaning you’re less likely to drift apart. When kids feel connected to their parents they’re more likely to come to them during difficult times, less likely to give into peer pressure and as a result are less likely to experience things like teen pregnancy or use drugs later on. Try and eat together as many evenings as possible, but in terms of tradition how about setting one ‘special’ day a week. Perhaps you could all go out at lunchtime for a roast dinner every Sunday and enjoy that family time, or make Saturday night a takeout night where you sit round and watch a movie together?


Religion and spirituality traditions can be a fantastic way to keep your family connected, speaking about ideas and get inspired. You could visit your house of worship together, attend religious events and festivals or even set some time aside each week to pray or discuss things like Bible questions and answers

A sport or activity to keep fit

Getting active as a family will benefit all of you physically and emotionally, and it also enables you to make fun memories. Maybe once a month you could go to a trampoline park, a roller or ice skating rink or get the extended family together and all play a team sport? You could go to lessons or classes together, go swimming, on hikes or bike rides. Whatever it is your family enjoys, make this a tradition and reap all of the benefits it brings. 

Special occasions

Finally, when you think of traditions it’s probably special occasions that spring to mind and it’s a great place to build these kinds of family customs. Celebrate the different occasions throughout the year, it doesnt need to be expensive just do what you can to mark the date. From making paper chains together at Christmas to spooky movie nights on Halloween, baking love heart cookies on Valentines Day to family meals on Mothers and Fathers days, there’s plenty you can do without breaking the bank. Enjoy the activity every year and your kids will look back with such fond memories and chances are, will continue these traditions themselves with the next generation!

What sort of traditions do you enjoy with your family?