We are over halfway through summer vacation. It’s that time of year to get in the swing of things and start preparing for the “Back to School” sales and getting the children back in the school routine. Parents who love shopping may find the thrill in getting their kids ready, while others, not so much.

Although back to school preparation and shopping can be overwhelming, with the proper planning and strategies put in place, everything can run smoothly. Here are a few ideas to start with. 

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Remember You Are Setting the Example

Parents are the guiding light for their children and set examples of how to live. By focusing on personal development, parents can provide a good role model for their children, during one of the most stressful times of year.  An adult’s work is their job and their family, and children’s work is in school.

The “back to school” process is taught by the parents first. It begins with planning, and the kids are watching. Even though you think they are not, they see and mimic what they see their parents do day in and day out.

Planning is Where the Back to School Process Begins

When the previous school year ends, that is the time to start planning. Many schools send a list of school supplies and items the kids will need for the following year. Perhaps give yourself a week off, but try not to procrastinate.

You can start going through the supplies your child has left over from the previous school year and see if anything can be repurposed for the following year. Items like pens, pencils, and folders may be able to be reused. There is no need to throw those items away for new ones. For everything else, like notebooks, keep an eye out for “Back to School” sales.

Save Your Money

Some of the classes your child will take may require fees. Tally up the amount with all that is needed from the school and start saving your money so you are not caught at the last minute.

Purchasing School Uniforms

We recommend never purchasing school uniforms at the beginning of summer because they will not fit throughout the school year. Two weeks before the start date should be sufficient.