Nobody likes getting back into the school routine. Parents don’t like it, kids don’t like it – what’s there to like about it? For the kids, the freedom of the summer holidays (or any of them) is too much to give up. Queue the meltdowns. For parents, maybe the sweet smell of more freedom is in the air.
Still, it is and always will be a challenge.
Read on for 5 tips for getting kids back into the school routine.

Start The Process Of Getting Back To The Sleep Routine Before The D-Day
It’s one they definitely won’t like. As a kid, you can remember nothing worse than going from the school holiday bedtime to a school day bedtime, even though the difference was usually no more than an hour.
Bedtime is when meltdowns begin. We’d recommend introducing it a week or two before or phasing it in. Maybe progressively by 15–30 minutes every night until they are back in bed at the appropriate time for school.
Children 6-12 years require 9-12 hours of sleep, while teenagers need 8-10 hours.
Morning Activities
Some parents dread mornings. They’re chaotic. What solves chaos? Activities and having a back to school checklist for each morning so everyone knows what they’re doing. Involve the children and encourage them to be responsible in getting dressed, brushing their teeth, packing their bags, and everything else you can think of. It’s giving them responsibility. Although we know most of you will argue they don’t want that responsibility, they want holidays!
Balanced Diets for Meals and Snacks
Your kids need to go back to school healthy. The healthier their bodies are and the foods they’re eating, the more their minds can absorb. The mind-body connection is scientifically proven – what we eat affects how we feel, behave, and more. The most essential meal during the day – breakfast – gives kids the energy to go through their activities without feeling like they’re still in bed all day. Smart dinner planning can help avoid unhealthy meals at the last minute and assure children of the diet required for concentration and growth.
This article gives perfect meal plan ideas for families without breaking the bank.
Getting Back in the Swing of Things
The mere idea of being back in school can be draining for some children.
You could start doing small ‘school-like’ activities to get them ready. Reading fun stories, doing a science project, or some fun maths games.
Dedicating time to these activities helps to restore order to their day. The “summer slump” won’t be as much of a slump.
Having the right state of mind is so beneficial.
Explain to them what they will have to look forward to and show them some of the exciting activities they might do. It’s about trying to distract them from the fact they’ll be back in school five days per week.
Getting your kids back to school will always be a challenge. For most parents, after the first week or two life really settles down. Do you have the perfect way of getting your kids back into the school routine?
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