While the desire to make life easier for friends, family members and various other loved ones is perfectly natural, many of us believe that we lack sufficient bandwidth and knowledge to properly help the people in our lives. However, as you’re likely to find, providing help to the people you care about is a much easier undertaking than you think. So, if you’re looking for effective ways to assist the people you love, make sure to consider the following options.

Provide People with a Sympathetic Ear
It should come as no surprise that many of us deal with mental health issues on a daily basis. In addition to some of these issues being genetic, the general stress associated with existing in a society like ours only serves to exacerbate mental health problems. Needless to say, feeling as if you have no one in your corner also stands to make mental health problems worse.
With this in mind, consider providing the people in your life with a sympathetic ear whenever they’re feeling stressed, depressed or generally overwhelmed. Simply taking the time to hear someone out can remind them that they’re not alone and provide them with a profound sense of relief. Just knowing that your problems matter to someone can be a tremendous boon to one’s mental health.
However, while lending a sympathetic ear to loved ones is certainly admirable, you shouldn’t seek to take the place of dedicated mental health professionals. So, if someone in your life has mental health issues that require a level of care that you’re unqualified to provide, try to direct them to the proper professionals while continuing to hear them out.
You should also avoid becoming visibly annoyed with the people who reach out to you. Even if hearing about a certain problem for umpteenth time causes you annoyance, this is not the other party’s intent. Furthermore, reacting in a negative way to individuals who come to you with their problems is liable to reinforce the mistaken belief that it’s better to suffer in silence than risk causing a minor inconvenience. If you lack the bandwidth to hear someone out when they get in touch, just let them know that they’re important to you and that you’ll get back to them very soon.
Never Minimize the Problems of Those Around You
Never minimizing the problems experienced by your loved ones is an important part of being there for them. Although certain issues they’re experiencing may strike you as miniscule compared to more serious matters, it’s important to realize that these issues are a big deal to them. So, just as you wouldn’t appreciate having your own problems minimized, your loved ones justifiably expect their issues to be regarded with due importance.
Whenever a loved one comes to you with a problem you don’t view as a big deal, make an effort to put yourself in their shoes. Seeing the issue through the eyes of the person experiencing it will make you better equipped to provide sympathy, support and practical advice on solving the matter.

Assist the Seniors in Your Life
If you have parents, grandparents or elderly neighbors who could use some assistance, any aid you’re able to provide is likely to be well-appreciated. For example, if any of the seniors in your life are unable to drive, consider giving them the occasional or taking it upon yourself to do some of their driving errands. Additionally, if any of your special seniors need help navigating new technology, do your best to show them the ropes. Teaching them the ins and outs of shopping online can eliminate the need for certain driving errands and relieve them of a considerable amount of stress.
If any of the seniors in your life suffer from medical conditions, make sure to be sympathetic and assist them in any way that you can. You can also help individuals suffering from certain conditions by donating blood. For instance, there are countless people who stand to benefit from a double red donation.
The desire to help those you care about is perfectly natural. After all, no one relishes the thought of the people they love suffering on a personal, emotional or financial level. Still, many of us believe that we lack the knowhow and/or emotional fortitude to provide our loved ones with the assistance they require. While it’s true that some of the people in your life may require a greater degree of help than you’re able to provide, you may be surprised by how capable you truly are when it comes to helping people.
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