Once your baby is born, they become more than just your bundle of joy—they’re your whole world. However, taking care of a newborn is challenging. You’ll be sleep-deprived, trying to put them to sleep, feed them, change their nappy, and ensure they’re warm.
Moreover, you’ll have to watch out for allergies or health conditions that your baby may have, such as sensitive skin. Some babies cry when their skin comes into contact with fabrics that are uncomfortable. Their sensitive skin could be a result of a condition like eczema. A chronic skin condition, eczema usually occurs on the cheek and then reaches the arms, legs, or face. It can be treated by applying infant eczema cream after a bath or an prescription cream if the condition is more severe.
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Another factor that leads to skin irritation is heat rash. It occurs in areas where clothing is tight. Rashes develop because the sweat glands are blocked. To treat heat rash, you need to cool your baby’s skin with a damp washcloth or a bath, steer clear of oil-based ointments, and provide outfits that are loose, and made of natural material such as Tencel baby pajamas.
Hence, it’s important to choose comfortable clothes for your baby. Continue reading to learn how/
- Avoid Wool But Include Natural Fabrics
Wool or similar fluffy fabrics cause discomfort in babies who have sensitive skin since these materials feel scratchy. Thus, you need to go for natural fabrics only, including hemp, linen, silk, and cotton. For instance, go for cotton baby onesies.
As mentioned earlier, tight clothes irritate the skin, adding pressure and restricting movement. You need to check which size of clothing will best fit your baby. Opt for clothes that are loose enough. You can find out the right size by shopping in person. Size up to play it safe. For instance, loose t-shirts that are made of natural fabrics will be a safe choice.
It’s tempting to buy outfits that look cute, but before you check out at the store, make sure they aren’t made of wool and aren’t ill-fitting.
- Stay Away From Synthetic Fabrics
Aside from wool and tight clothes, you should avoid garments made of synthetic fabrics, such as nylon, spandex, rayon, and acrylic. Although synthetic fibers have fewer issues with coloring and piling, they may be too harsh on sensitive skin. Because these fibers don’t absorb any excess moisture as natural fibers do, the skin becomes clammy. The humidity may worsen your baby’s skin condition and prevent healing in areas that are already affected.
Instead of synthetic fabrics, pick clothes made of organic cotton or bamboo. Bamboo features germ-repellent properties and can regulate your baby’s temperature better than any synthetic fabric.
- Layer Their Clothes
Since you need to avoid wool, you can layer your child’s clothing when the weather gets cold. Layering their clothes lets heat travel away from their skin but still maintains it to keep them warm. On top of that, it protects your child’s body from cold air. You can always remove one piece of clothing if they feel hot.
To start layering, dress them in a cotton onesie and then add a cotton vest. For one more layer when it’s a little colder, cover their head and shoulders with a blanket. During winter, layer their cotton onesie or shirt and thin jacket with a winter coat.

- Remove Tags From Their Clothes
Tags on clothes, such as shirts and pants, feel scratchy on the skin as well. Removing them from clothes will guarantee that your little one stays comfortable all day long.
However, there are brands of baby clothing that have tags placed outside clothes or printed on. These tags may include wash-and-care instructions. Other brands have tags made of cotton or bamboo fibers, so they won’t cause skin irritation.
- Consider Seamless Designs
Seams may not be a problem for adults, but they’re uncomfortable for babies with sensitive skin. Some brands of baby clothes offer a seamless design that aren’t just functional but also stylish.
If they aren’t available, turn clothes inside-out or cover thick seams with thin cotton or silk. This is a clever trick that you can do, so you don’t have to get rid of cute outfits and worry about your baby getting an eczema outbreak or a flare-up.
- Wash And Dry The Clothes Before Use
Clothes with bright colors or prints often have excess dye and chemicals applied during manufacturing. You can remove these irritants by washing and drying the items before use. Turn the clothes inside out before hanging them on a clothesline or tumble drying them with a mild temperature to get rid of pollen, dust, and other particles that may inflame the skin.
In addition, detergents may have a strong perfume that could linger on clothes. These perfumes absorbed on clothes may lead to breakouts too, so choose detergents that are skin-friendly. hoose natural detergents, preferably unscented. Skip the laundry sheets and use wool dryer balls instead.
Taking care of a baby with sensitive skin might seem more difficult, but it’s not as hard as you’d think. As long as you know how to choose the right clothes, you can protect your little one from eczema breakouts or rashes.
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