Healthcare should always be a priority at any stage in your life, and it has become even more evident during these times with the health crisis that has been going on for more than two years. For mothers who are in charge of the family’s overall health, it is especially crucial that you keep yourself in top shape so you can take care of everyone around you. 

Having a strong mind and body are your best defenses against any illness, and what better way to achieve this than starting healthy habits at home. Maintaining a good diet, doing regular exercises, proper hygiene, and getting enough sleep are essential steps to keeping yourself in good shape at any age. 

While you take care of your body, it is equally important to pay attention to your mental health as well. Leave some time for yourself to relax or do something that makes you happy. Try to maintain open communication lines with relatives and friends, and don’t be afraid to reach out if you feel that you need help. 

Aside from these fundamental practices to keep you and your family healthy, there are also extra measures that you can take at home to help protect your family from illness. Here is a quick checklist that you can use as reference : 

1. Properly Handle Potentially Hazardous Materials In The House

According to the Center for Disease Control, about 25% of houses in the US use lead-based paint. This poses a health risk to everyone in the household, particularly the children, since long-term exposure to lead can to problems in the blood, kidney, and brain among others.

To ensure your family’s safety, have your house tested for traces of lead especially if it is already quite old. While lead content in paint has been banned from the US since 1978, many older houses still contain traces of lead on the walls and panels. These older houses are also more prone to cracking of wall paint, which can release poisonous lead dust into the air.

Other than lead exposure, the pest control and household cleaning products that you use can also be a health threat to the family. Make sure to always follow the instructions on the label when using the products, then store them properly and away from children’s reach when not in use. Afterwards, make sure to dispose of them in a separate trash bag, together with other toxic materials like paint cans, thinners, and solvents.

2. Clear The Air Inside The House

Having stale air circulating around the house can also lead to illness, especially if it lasts for a long time. Make it a habit to regularly open your windows to let the stale air out and welcome fresh air inside the house. For enclosed spaces like the kitchen and the bathroom, install exhaust fans with outside ventilation to also let the moisture out.

If someone in the house has asthma or allergy, remember to keep the house free of dust as much as possible in order to reduce the allergens in the house. However, don’t forget to also frequently change the filters for your air conditioners and heaters, otherwise they will keep circulating allergens which can trigger asthma attacks or cause allergies. 

When it comes to the water used in the household, pay attention not only to your drinking water but also the tap water used for daily activities like washing your face or brushing your teeth because of the risk of ingestion during the process. Consider installing a bathroom sink filter to ensure that the water you use would not pose a risk to your family.

3. Ensure Proper House Maintenance

Regular cleaning is not enough to protect your family from disease. This is because disease-causing bacteria and viruses are not visible to the eye and could stay hidden in the small nooks and crannies that you unknowingly miss out on while cleaning. Schedule a regular deep cleaning to remove all the residue dirt and germs from the surfaces of your house. 

Fix any cracks or holes that can be used as entrance by pests, then keep your trash bin always covered so you don’t attract flies and mosquitoes that could also enter the house. Septic tanks must also be properly maintained in order to prevent it from spreading germs and causing illness to break out in the family. 

If you have a chimney, have it cleaned professionally to avoid having the family exposed to carbon monoxide. Clean damp areas like the bathroom thoroughly to remove mold and mildew that could trigger allergies as well as other neurological problems.