Despite the pandemic, I find that I am incredibly busy. I am working more than ever, and the kids keep me busy between needing help with remote schooling and socially-distanced activities. I find myself struggling with feeling tired, and if you have ever heard the term “mombie”, I can relate!

I was interested to hear about a new supplement, Plato, which is designed to help with energy, memory, and focus.

Plato is designed to help with overall brain function, like focus and clarity:

  • Improves attention
  • Reduces distractibility
  • Enhances focus
  • Improves short-term memory
  • Improves cognitive processing speed
  • Improve attention, enhance focus, increase processing speed, and do it all with a sense of calm.

I often feel like I have no time to think. When I am at work, there is always something going on. When I get home from work, tasks are never ending – chores, sports, music rehearsals, chores, blogging, you name it.

I had to laugh when I visited Plato’s website and saw this:

Busy people love Plato for more energy, better focus, and a feeling of calm.

That’s me! I am so busy, and just overall too stressed and scattered.

I can totally use energy, focus, and calm, and that’s where Plato helps out. It is hard to find that right balance of feeling caffeinated enough to face the day, but then more calm and focused. These supplements are a great way to get your mind feeling healthier.

This supplement is easy to take, with a recommended two capsules daily. Like most natural supplements, it can take a few weeks to notice results.

This is a natural supplement. If you know me, you know I am a label reader, and I prefer products that have natural ingredients.

I was familiar with ginseng for many years, and I remember my grandmother taking it to help sharpen her mind. I was less familiar with Bacopa and Rhodiola root, and it is fascinating to learn that both of these have been used for hundreds of years.

Visit Plato at