While you’ve been with your current auto insurance provider for years, you wonder if you should switch to a different company. While you may easily compare car insurance quotes to see if you can find something less expensive, there are other ways to determine if it makes sense to take your car coverage business elsewhere.

A Major Life Change
Did you recently have a baby, get married or get divorced? If so, your life change may also warrant a change of insurance provider for optimum comprehensive auto insurance coverage. See which insurance companies cater to those in your specific situation for help finding insurance.
Time After a Driving Violation or an At-Fault Collision
No one’s a perfect driver. If local law enforcement recently hit you with a driving violation or you were deemed responsible for a driving accident in the past, it could be a good idea to change insurance carriers. Traffic tickets and accidents may increase your auto insurance premiums to a financially uncomfortable degree. If it’s been at least six months since you received a driving violation or caused an accident, shop around to see if another coverage provider can provide someone with your driving record with cheaper premiums. Even with a slip-up, your rates should decrease.
Add or Remove a Driver From Your Plan
If you have a teenaged driver or new spouse, you may add him or her to your current insurance plan. If your child goes to college or you go through a divorce, you may need to remove a driver from your policy. In either situation, check to see if you can get a more affordable policy with a different provider without giving up your desired benefits.
Buy a New Car
While you may feel excited about having a new car, you may not feel thrilled about how much your current agent wants you to pay to insure your new wheels. Once you narrow your list of potential new cars, look into how much your current insurance company will charge you to protect your vehicle. Compare that number to what other providers charge for the same make and model and the type of coverage you desire.
Move to a New Neighborhood or State
No matter if you move across a county line or state line, your insurance rates may shift significantly. Let your insurance company know about your upcoming move so you can get a quote on how much more (or less) you should expect to pay. You must always have the proper coverage that matches your geographic location, as your new area may have different policy factors or insurance requirements that you must meet.
Your Current Policy Is Up for Renewal
Your agent may send you a breakdown of upcoming policy payments when your policy ends its current term. If your rates increase substantially, even though your driving habits and record remain the same, consider seeing if you can find a cheaper policy.
You don’t have to feel stuck paying high auto coverage premiums. If you take a financial hit, it may be time to make the switch.
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