The success of in vitro fertilization (IVF) depends on a woman’s age, overall health and body mass index (BMI), lifestyle, quality of the provider, and other factors. An IVF failure doesn’t imply the end of a woman’s attempt to conceive. They can still get pregnant with another IVF or even naturally following a failed IVF. Here’s why women should get a comprehensive fertility evaluation after a failed IVF:

Check for Unexplained Infertility

Endometriosis, progesterone resistance, and endometritis are causes of unexplained infertility and IVF failure in women of childbearing age. Endometrial cells grow in the uterus during ovulation in preparation for fertilization and implantation. The cells are shed during menses and grow back in the next cycle. Abnormal endometrial cells may grow outside the uterus, in the pelvic cavity, fallopian tubes, and around ovaries. Such growths block eggs and sperm cells, prevent fertilization, and cause pain, irregular menses, and inflammation of the uterine lining. Endometriosis can also remain asymptomatic for many years, leading to unexplained infertility. Women can take a BCL6 test to check the levels of the BCL6 gene protein. BCL6 is a marker for inflamed uterine lining, and a positive result indicates potential endometriosis.

Further tests like laparoscopy and imaging can confirm the condition. If a woman tests positive for endometriosis, surgical operations to remove the abnormal cells can resolve their fertility problem. Progesterone resistance causes unfavorable changes in their uterine lining, blocking the reproductive hormone from carrying out its function in embryo support. Endometritis is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the uterine lining and may prevent women from conceiving. Checking for unexplained infertility allows women to rule out or confirm and address conditions like endometriosis, endometritis, and progesterone resistance. Treating such conditions increases a woman’s chances of IVF success, natural conception, and live birth after a failed cycle.

Identify the Cause of Failure

A fertility doctor may cancel the IVF cycle due to an inadequate response to ovarian stimulation, such as insufficient or overstimulation. Such failures are addressed by giving an individual more time to recover before another attempt at harvesting healthy eggs. IVF may also fail due to poor reproductive material quality caused by age, health, and lifestyle factors. Experienced fertility doctors reduce such risk by assessing the quality of eggs and sperm cells before fertilization. Other reasons for failure include undiagnosed uterine abnormalities, genetic issues, and hormonal imbalances. Factors like stress, smoking, excessive alcohol, and poor sleep all impact an individual’s chances of success. A doctor can perform a hysteroscopy, immunological screening, or other tests to identify previously undiagnosed fertility issues.

Identifying the cause of failed IVF allows a doctor to adjust the protocol for the next cycle. If the issue is endometriosis, surgery is used to remove the growths before another attempt. For failure caused by endometritis, bacterial culture and antibiotic courses are administered to treat the infection. A fertility doctor can also change the ovarian stimulation medication to enhance outcomes and extract high-quality eggs. Genetic testing, DNA fragmentation analysis, and ovarian reserve evaluations are used to assess egg and sperm quality. Fertility doctors also evaluate uterine and endometrial factors and immune disorders. They also help with lifestyle factors like obesity, alcohol and nicotine addiction, medication, and stress. Resolving underlying issues improves a woman’s reproductive health, increasing the chances of successful IVF.

Prevent IVF Failure Today With Proactive Testing

IVF is used to help individuals get pregnant when natural conception is unsuccessful. Women can also undergo an IVF cycle as part of planned parenthood, where the individual preserves their eggs for later use. Before the cycle, a fertility doctor runs various tests to address underlying issues and improve outcomes. Contact a clinic and get a BCL6 test today to diagnose potential unexplained infertility and reduce the chances of IVF failure.