For new moms bringing home “baby” can be one of the most exciting moments of your life. You did it and you succeeded through pregnancy, L&D and now you are home!
You are coming down from the high of newborn euphoria and you’re ready to start easing into life on this new side of motherhood.

Now what?
There is so much to consider!
Most moms with some experience will tell you that “mommy brain.” is real. Add in sleep deprivation and the chaos of living with an infant and it can leave you feeling rather overwhelmed.
Now you’ve got serious responsibilities, and you also are thinking that it would be nice to get rid of some of your pregnancy pounds.
I am sure you have heard of the “old wives tale” a goal written down is a goal achieved – well keeping a food journal that records foods plus other infant information is one of the best things you could do.
Food Journaling
One of the best things you can do is to grab a notebook and keep a journal. It will help with so many things – not the least being that you can keep track of what you eat during the day and this really does help with losing weight and getting your life back in order – or at least as much as you can as you adjust to a new normal.
There are many things you can use a journal for but the main ones that are always top of the list are:
- Tracking Weight: If you’re trying to lose some pounds, mark your daily weight in your food journal and mark every pound you lose as you move towards your goal weight. Writing it down each day has a huge subconscious benefit in helping you to reach your goals.
- Use It As A Food diary: If you worry you are overeating and can not remember because with a newborn you just have too much going on. Then keeping a food diary can really help you see what you have consumed and where you’re succeeding and what foods are holding you back.
- A Thankful log: What are you thankful for today – this week – what were those special moments made you smile? Remember it is all about perspective.
And one of the great things – if you write it down you will have it to remember for all time. Trust me you will never regreat keeping a journal at this time of your life.
I remember sitting down one day with my mom who was in her eighties at the time and going through my first months as a newborn from her journal she kept. It was a special moment and I still have the journal now.
Of course, there are also modern-day alternatives.
Perhaps you enjoy snapping photos of your food or logging your calorie consumption. Food journaling apps are an efficient modern way of tracking your food intake throughout the day.
Meal Planning and Choosing a Safe Diet
This is another big thing – because we are what we eat – and you want to be healthy – so if you are interested in choosing a diet – do not just go for the hyped up diet of the year. Choose one that has been researched and proven safe.
Daily Detox Hacks has the top 10 diets approved by the AMA and covers the highlights of each one so you can make an informed choice – see their ultimate weight loss guide which also covers food journaling also.
Some of the Diets covered are:
Mediterranean Diet
With an emphasis on vegetables, fruits, fish, and olive oil this is one of the most popular diets in America.
DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It is recommended and promoted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
The Flexitarian Diet
The word Flexitarian comes from the two words – flexible and vegetarian.
Mayo Clinic Diet
This diet focuses on weight loss plus a healthier lifestyle.
The ultimate weight loss guide covers other key areas for weight loss like:
- How to Stick to your diet
- Are you ready for your diet – the top questions to ask yourself
- What are the Top 10 weight loss-friendly foods.
- Best Teas for weight loss
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