If you are under the impression that you are not able to travel the world because you can’t afford it, then you’ll be glad to know that it is now easier than ever for you to change that. Now you can work abroad, and you can also make a good living too. If you want to find out more about that then simply take a look below.

Yacht Crew
If you want to do this job, then you will need to know the basics of sailing. Some jobs only require you to have some keen willingness and a great attitude, but either way, you need to have some water experience. Some websites are completely dedicated to helping people to find sailing gigs, so keep that in mind. If you can’t seem to find anything on a local site then consider asking around at some of the local yacht clubs as this is a fantastic way for you to get out there and see the world without having to worry about a thing.
Freelance Writing
Traditional freelance writing is a very tough gig to say the least. You may find that you face very stiff competition and that you also run the risk of not getting paid very well. If you have stellar contacts then this is great, but even so, you shouldn’t expect to get paid more than the lowest rate. Even good writers struggle in the industry of travel blogging, so you need to do your bit to stand out where possible. If you do, then you will soon find that you are able to come out on top and that you can also reap the benefits. One of the best places for you to start looking for a job like this would be for you to logon to freelance sites. When you do, you will soon see all of the opportunities that are available.
Cruise Ship Work
Cruise ships tend to hire all different kinds of people. They hire everyone from cooks to waiters and more. This type of gig is ideal for those who do not have a child or a partner, as you may find that you are away for long periods of time and this can really put strain on your family. You also run the risk of not being able to access WiFi, as the internet at sea can be somewhat unreliable.
If you feel as though you are the enterprising sort, then it is more than possible for you to start your own travel blog. You will need to do everything you can to make it stand out from the crowd before you are able to bring in any kind of income and you will also need to make sure that you put in a lot of hard work at the same time. If you are willing to do all of this, then you will soon find that you can come out on top and that you are also able to reap the benefits with ease.

Volunteer jobs such as these TEFL teaching jobs, by nature, might not pay but they do give you some kind of basic accommodation. Sometimes you may get your meals paid for as well which can really work in your favour. Be careful with this strategy though, because as placements change, you may find that you get charged and this is the last thing that you need.
If you have ever had an interest in working on an organic farm then this could be the ideal opportunity for you. You won’t need to have any farming experience and the work that you put in will be rewarded with a room and board. Of course, if you want to try and make sure that you have the best time when farming, then it is important that you put in the work to choose the best plantation. When you do, you will soon find that you are able to have the best time and that you can reap the benefits of your hard work.
Flight Attendant
The wage, if you are a flight attendant can vary depending on the airline you go with. If you are a new employee, then you might not have a huge range of choices when it comes to your shift or your destination. That being said, you can secure some great flights and you will be paid for it as well. Some airlines will even give you the chance to pass on discounts to your friends as well, so keep this in mind.
This can be out of reach for a lot of people, but if you do have some basic flight experience then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to go on to train as a pilot. If you want to become a pilot then you need to try and get 250 hours of flight experience, good vision and be in good health. If you think that there is a possibility of you meeting these requirements, then why not go ahead to see if it is possible for you to take a course?
Depending on the country that you are paying a visit to, it’s more than possible for you to get a job waiting tables or even tending to the bar. You do need to make sure that you have a working visa if you want to do this though because if you don’t then you may find that you end up working illegally and this is the last thing that you want to do.
Working for your Accommodation
So many hostels out there will give you the chance to work free if you are willing to do some light work around the hostel. You can exchange a few hours of cleaning for a double room if you want, and when you do things like this, you will soon find that you can make your stay way cheaper.
Peace Corps
The Peace Corps is a very serious business indeed. You should only apply if you are able to commit to a long-term commitment in a very difficult environment. The application process is very stringent, and you may even find that you need to go for an interview as well. The Peace Corps don’t tend to pay a lot, but you will get health cover and you will also get your student loan deferred if you are from the US.
Stock Investments
If you have ever wondered how to trade penny stocks then you’ll be glad to know that it is very easy to do. It doesn’t take a lot for you to learn how to make money from this and when you put in the work you will soon find that it is incredibly rewarding. Another thing that you should know about penny stocks or any stocks for that matter, is that you can have your fortune turned around in no time at all. You can also feel confident knowing that you can invest as much or as little as you’d like.
Make Money by Importing and Exporting
Find a product in a single country, and then sell it for a profit in another. This is ideal if you have a strong entrepreneurial mind, as it gives you the chance to explore the market and the suppliers too.
You will have to be fluent in some languages if you want to do this. You can either be a translator, which requires you to be fluent in a written language or you can be an interpreter, which requires you to be fluent in spoken languages. Either way, this is a fantastic way for you to make some money when you are abroad and you would be surprised at how many opportunities could come your way as a result of this.
Tour Guide
If you believe that you have what it takes to herd groups of confused people around a museum or anywhere else of the sort, then you may be cut out to be a tour guide. When you do train to become a tour guide, you may be able to extend your own knowledge while also being able to make the most out of every opportunity that comes your way.
Seasonal Fruit Picker
If you are a seasonal fruit picker then you may find that the work is in fact long and hard. You may be able to get some work shearing sheep or you may be able to find some work picking crops too. Either way, the timing can be a tricky. If you want to get the best result out of your experience then don’t sign up for picking watermelons as they are big, heavy and require a lot of upper-body strength. Instead pick a job that is easier, such as harvesting strawberries or even grapes. When you do this, you will soon find that you can get involved with the local community without having to worry about a thing. If you want to get some more help with finding a job, then remember that the locals should always be able to lend you a hand.
Wow! Great ideas to travel and still work! Definitely a dream for me – slowed down a little with kids, but will push to continue to do this.
These are some really good suggestions for travel jobs! As a digital nomad, I just feel blessed that I can travel and work anywhere at the same time.
My friend worked for a cruise ship for several years and literally saw the world. It sounded amazing!
Great ideas and options! I wish I could travel right now
Unfortunately a lot of these jobs aren’t available right now to us due to Covid, but hopefully soon that will change!
Great tips on how many options there are out there to make money while travelling. Excellent article!
I guess I have just have to go with freelance writing and blogging as these two are closest to my heart. I also love the idea of farming when traveling as this would be a very unique experience for me.