All parents know that children grow out of their clothes quickly. Kids’ clothes can be a massive part of your budget. Instead of going to stores and shopping online, what can we do to get kids’ clothing? Try organizing a kids’ clothing swap so you and other moms can get kids’ clothes for free. These detailed tips will help you organize a successful event.

Get started
Firstly, you need to start a guest list. It will be easier if you create a guest list with a co-host, which will help you add more people to the list (however, don’t invite more than 20 moms if you never host this kind of event before, you will not control the event well if there are too many people). You will also need to determine the age range. For instance, toddlers and kindergarten kids. Invite the moms of children of all ages in this range(if you only invite the moms whose kids wear 4T, you might only get 3T hand-me-downs, which all kids have already grown out of.) Keep the list, and you might use it again at the next children’s clothing swap. If you make the event successfully for the first time, you can make it an annual event. Set the time when the kids are at school, so you don’t have to be distracted. Seasons should also be taken into account when setting the dates of events. When the new season comes, we’ll find that our kids grew out of so many clothes. After finishing all these works, you can send invitations. Tell everyone the rules when you invite them.
Make the rules.
Ensure that you tell guests that all clothes need to be in good condition, clean, and stain-free. It’s extremely unfair if some of the moms come with items with terrible conditions. Determining the maximum number of clothes, and 10 is a good number. Every mom comes with no more than 10 items. Before the event, Sort clothes in different areas by size and by gender. For instance, layout 2t girl clothes on the couch and 3T boy clothes on the table. Give each mom tickets (in the form of stickers with their name on it), and if she brings 10 items, give her ten tickets. Then she can only get 10 items at most.
When all moms arrive, they can put their stickers on the clothing they want to take home. Popular items may get several stickers. How to pick a winner? Let’s play rock, paper, scissors.
After all moms pick the clothes they like, you need to do a check out process. Return in all tickets, count the number of items they get, check if the quantity of clothes exceeds the number of tickets
Hopefully, these detailed tips give you some good ideas on hosting a clothing swap for kids.
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