Dogs are helping children boost their self-esteem, teaching them to understand responsibility, and letting them practice empathy. Living with a dog has beneficial effects too as research has shown that exposure to pets for the first years of children’s lives leads to a reduced likelihood of having asthma and allergies as they grow. Having a dog that grows with your kids might seem perfect because our friendly dogs provide us with affection, companionship, loyalty, and becoming a best friend. In this writing, we are going to discuss when you should get your kid a dog.

Appropriate Age
Children aged 5 to 10 may be ready for a pet, as long as you are not unrealistic to believe they can really take care of one. When you are considering adopting a dog as a family pet, it is a safe decision to wait until your child turns 5, as per the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Kids under 5 are very young for a dog because they can fail to be sensitive and to recognize and acknowledge the signals of a dog to back off. And even a certain nice dog would bite when threatened.
Whose duty it is
It is utterly unreasonable to expect a child to be solely responsible for caring for a dog, despite his or her age. Pets also need to be frequently played, trained, and able to exercise. This is too hard for a young child to train a dog the rules of the house and help him become a good companion. When you are adopting a pet for a child, you need to be knowledgeable and ready to be the main caregiver of the dog. One tip is to select the best hypoallergenic dog that tends to have thinner or non-existent undercoats, which means that there are minimal shedding and allergens possibilities. Havanese dogs don’t shed, so they can be a good option. Havanese dog shedding can be managed relatively well as they don’t lose much of their fur, no more than any regular, long-haired dog. Proper grooming ensures that the dog’s coat remains unknotted, untangled, and healthy, which should be a responsibility of more than one person.
Identify the perfect dog for your family
In general, if your kid is under the age of 6, adopting a dog over the age of 2 is usually the best option. Most families imagine a puppy and a child growing up together, but when you have a small child, there are some points to consider before getting a puppy under the age of one. Puppies need a great deal of time, effort, preparation, socialization and supervision. These are all important for raising an adult dog that is well-adjusted. When you have a small child who needs a lot of care and attention now, you will wonder if you do have sufficient time and resources to deal with a puppy. Others say puppies and small dogs are still too delicate for young kids and can be quickly hurt or injured, even with parental supervision. A bigger dog will easily knock a young child over, though, so make sure you don’t leave your dog and your child unattended together.
Some of the greatest things parents can give to their children is getting pets in the household. If children have a dog they will grow to love unconditionally. Once children are able to understand this important principle, they can successfully extend it to other kids and adults they meet later on in life.
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