Many of us dream of growing up, settling down and one-day having kids of our own. We imagine what it must be like to watch our children take their first steps, speak their first words, and grow, learn, and develop.

Unfortunately for some of us, fertility complications make that dream seem very far away. In fact, what was once a dream could turn into a nightmare, full of feelings of failure and hopelessness, 

However, it is very important that you and your partner hold onto hope! Fertility issues affect many people, and there are medical experts and solutions that can help.

But for now, let’s discuss the first step you should take when dealing with infertility – your perspective. We’ll also look at what your available options are, and where you can turn to for advice and assistance.

Begin by focusing on the things that you can control

Consider how long you’ve been trying to get pregnant for, as this is important. 

If it has been a little upwards of three months and you have been unsuccessful, then schedule a consultation with your doctor or gynecologist. 

You may be in store for a simple fix – perhaps you’ve just been trying to fall pregnant at the wrong time of the month, when you are not ovulating. Your medical professional will be able to advise you as to when the best times of the month to try fall pregnant for you are. They may also ask about any medications you are taking, as certain prescription drugs you may be taking can decrease your fertility success. 

Some other simple options here are lifestyle choices: make sure your diet is healthy and contains the right amount of greens, that you’re sleeping eight hours each night, that you’re exercising every day and that you’re not smoking or drinking. The added benefit here of course is that if this is the solution for you, you’ll have much more energy when it comes time to be a parent!

If these simple fixes have not helped and it’s been about twelve months without success, then it’s time for you and your partner to head to a local fertility clinic. There are fertility clinics in South Africa, in Australia and in America – pretty much everywhere – that will be able to help you with assessments and counselors.

Stop feeling like a failure

It’s really important to not be too hard on yourself or your significant other. Let go of any expectations you may have, and try not to compare yourself to other couples.

Infertility is something that many people don’t have any control over, so don’t think you let yourself or anyone around you down.

Infertility problems can also put a lot of strain on your relationship, so make sure you and your partner are still taking the time to nurture and care for each other.

Discuss adoption with your partner

Fertility problems don’t have to stop you from having children! Providing a home and love for a child without either is an exceptionally rewarding experience.

In fact, welcoming a child via adoption is just as life-changing and magical as welcoming a child through birth.

Hopefully, this article will help you if you are struggling with your fertility. Remember that you are not alone, that there are things you can control, and that there is always a plan B to becoming a parent!