Want to strike a good balance between working as a mother and taking care of yourself?

Being a working mom presents a lot of challenges and prejudices to overcome. Making sure you maintain a strong presence at work and home is important to become the perfect role model for your children. Doing this takes a lot out of you, though, and can cause harm in the long run.

It can be harmful at a mental and physical capacity if you leave it alone. Use these self care ideas to prevent the problems from harming your mental and physical well-being.

You need not worry if you think you won’t have the time for any of these. You’ll enjoy these ideas even during the busiest days in the office. Read on to take better care of yourself.

1. Give 1 Hour of Your Morning to Yourself

Our moods at the beginning of each day impact how you think for the rest of it. This makes it important for you to leave yourself some time to collect your bearings and boost your mood. Stressing yourself out in the morning won’t do you, your family, or your work any good.

It’s also easy to stress yourself out in the morning. This is because our brains need some time to adjust after being idle while we’re asleep. This makes it easier to influence if the first thing you see is stressful.

Set at least 1 hour aside to prepare yourself for the day. You can use this time to do what you enjoy. Grab a cup of coffee and watch the sunrise if you must.

What’s important is that you’re in a better mindset once you tackle the day’s problems.

2. Enjoy a Long Shower

Taking a long shower is a great way to start the day. Set some time aside to accommodate this self-care technique. You’ll thank yourself later while working when you feel great.

30 minutes is enough for the shower to impact your day. Start by giving yourself a hot shower. The heat coming from the water stimulates blood flow in your body.

This makes it easier for your body to wake up. This also opens up your pores, allowing you to cleanse your skin from impurities you’ve picked up while you’re asleep.

Follow this up with a cold shower. Doing this will shrink the pores again, preventing dirt from entering them. This also gives you a big boost of energy as the body tries to conserve the heat from the hot shower.

Doing this also gives you a boost of endorphins. This will make you feel happier as the day goes by.

3. Have the Groceries Done by Someone Else

Among the biggest stressful events in the house is dinner. Once you’re finished with work, you’re often too tired to go grocery shopping. Buying food to-go is also a questionable decision as they’re not always as healthy as a home-cooked meal.

This makes it a great idea to have someone else shop for groceries instead. This is an underrated perk of being a mother. You can have your husband or anyone capable do the groceries for you.

Having them do this makes the rest of the day easier. You can focus on coming up with what to cook instead of worrying about the time you’ll spend in the grocery store.

4. Do Yoga at Key Points of the Day

Yoga is a great way to relax your body and put your mind at peace. This makes it flexible, leading to less risk of injuries. Doing this as often as you can is ideal, but a working mom only has little time for recreational activities.

You only need to do at least 10 minutes of yoga to keep yourself in shape, though. What matters is the time when you do your routine, but also don’t forget the proper attire. If you haven’t got the right clothes yet, you can easily buy tops as well as women’s yoga leggings and pants online. Early in the morning and before sleeping are the best times to do your routine.  

Doing yoga during these times helps your body get ready for the day ahead. It also helps your body recover from what you went through during the day if you do it at night. 

5. Prevent Your Body from Staying Still

Motion is important to prevent certain conditions. This makes it important to keep yourself in motion as much as you can. A simple way to do this is to walk to work if it’s close enough.

Doing this strengthens your joints and also improves leg muscle strength. This is important if you want to avoid ailments like Sciatica, the most common ailment to affect working moms due to the conditions it needs to happen. 

You can also do desk stretches to keep your body from settling. This can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and headaches.

6. Write a List of Small Joys

While working, we often let our minds wander to think about what we want to do later for our amusement. After our shift, we often forget what we wanted to do because of fatigue. Writing what you want to do on a list is a great way to keep track of things.

Writing is also a great way to keep your mental fortitude together. Stress can break our minds if it gets too much. A physical manifestation of what stresses us the most makes it easier for us to comprehend them.

It’s also a great way for us to look at our problems in a broader view. This helps us break them down and come up with ways to solve them.

7. Give Yourself Some Alone Time

Sometimes what stresses out most are the responsibilities at home. Piling them on top of a tiring day can put even the most joyful moms in a sour mood. Giving yourself some alone time is a great way to prevent this from ruining your day.

This works best if you’re doing something productive during your downtime. Develop a skill or read about the latest news and articles to make the most of your well-deserved break.

8. Get the Right Amount of Sleep

Getting enough sleep is among the most important self care ideas. This is because this has a big impact on your mental and physical health. Not getting enough sleep can put your mental well-being at risk and cause you to get some serious conditions on your major organs.

No matter how busy you are, you must get at least 6 hours of sleep if you want to keep yourself healthy. Going any lower can trigger psychological ailments, too, like insomnia and some bouts of paranoia.

Check Out These Self Care Ideas Today

Working moms deserve more credit than they get. They work themselves to the bone and have little time to care for themselves.

With these self care ideas, though, you’ll find it easier to work through the day. Try them out today and thank yourself later!

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