Temperatures have been on the rise for the last 20 years. This has led to an increase in airborne pollen that triggers various types of allergies. It’s almost impossible to control the atmosphere on our own. However, we can make our homes clean and safe for our respiratory systems. 

A clean home triggers fewer allergies. Fewer allergies mean that our children, visitors, co-habitants, and even we stay safe. The seasons where multiple types of pollen appear are getting longer. Scientists believe that they may start to overlap. To reduce the level of pollen, dust, and other types of allergens, below are a few strategies you can employ. 

  • Air Purifier

Air purifiers come in different types and sizes. A top-of-the-tier purifier helps to improve overall health by keeping the air around you clean and safe. Some purifiers are designed to eliminate allergens even at a microscopic level. This is with the help of Photo Electro-Chemical Oxidation (PECO) technology. Others are portable and allow you to move about with them. They also feature great aesthetic features that back up their functionality. They can blend easily with all forms of interior design schemes. 

  • Declutter Your Home

While it’s most impossible to live in a completely empty space, it’s best to get rid of décor, clutter, and furniture that attract dust. Consider reducing the number of fluffy items that you have in your spaces during peak allergy periods. If you can, give away the items or dispose them entirely. Bennetts Services Brisbane recommends changing or updating your accessories periodically or seasonally. 

  • Avoid Chemicals

There are plenty of products on the market today that carry several chemicals that are harmful to our respiratory system. According to Eco Method Interiors’ Erica Reiner, for an eco-friendly environment, it’s best to avoid products filled with chemicals. It’s almost impossible to stay away from everything that is made from chemicals. However, Reiner advises avoiding products with fire retardants, softeners, PVC, VOCs, phthalates, and AZO dyes. Another rule of thumb is to stay away from furnishings that consist of synthetic material and instead go for those certified as non-harmful by third parties. 

  • Buy Furniture that is Less Toxic

Fortunately, it’s possible to find organic furniture in a variety of colors and a sophisticated style. Furniture normally contains several harmful chemicals. The materials used in organic furniture are strictly organic with the exception of glue and wood finish. The foam used is free of fillers, soy, and petroleum. Designers sometimes use 100% natural and biodegradable latex foam. The wool used is also sourced from sheep that are not bred using pesticides. The fabrics consist of natural linen, natural hemp canvas, and organic cotton. These and other organic elements make the furniture completely safe for you and your family. 

  • Get Rid of Fabric Curtains

Fabric curtains are notorious for collecting dust. Experts advise avoiding PVC blinds and faux wood on your windows. Replace them with window treatments or bamboo instead. There are plenty of eco-friendly and sophisticated options available on the market. Some companies will help you determine the right size of window treatments for free. 

  • Eliminate Carpeting

If you’re prone to allergies, your best bet at having an allergen-free space is to opt for cork flooring. It’s both a fire retardant and naturally antimicrobial. If you must have a carpet, go for one which is 100% wool. Opt for carpet squares rather than the conventional wall-to-wall options. You’re able to replace portions of these as they wear out over time. Area rugs are also notorious for collecting dust and dirt. Consider looking for one which is made from natural materials and contains non-toxic dyes. They are available in different designs and styles for children and spaces. 

  • High-Quality Vacuum Cleaner

A high-quality vacuum cleaner is necessary despite the kind of furniture, carpeting, and flooring that you may have. The best types provide adequate suction to remove up to 99% of small dust particles. They help to deep clean floors. Some even adjust accordingly depending on the type of floor you have. They even offer several tools that help clean different types of surfaces such as crevices and upholstery. 

  • Use Non-toxic Bedding

Consider getting bedding that is free of synthetic chemicals and dyes. There are brands on the market today that offer a bed with fabric that minimizes odors and eliminates moisture. This helps to minimize the level of humidity present and keep the bedding at a cooler temperature. Other options include machine-washable pillows and comforters that help to avoid the chemicals that come along with regular cleaning. Consider covering your mattresses, box springs, and pillows with anti-allergy covers. The pillow covers and mattress covers should be zipped completely to provide maximum protection. It also helps to extend the life of the linen and materials used.