When you’re a mother, taking care of your children can often occupy your entire day, to the point where you are neglecting your own self-care in return for their care. As a busy mom, you’re guaranteed to be under psychical, mental and emotional stress, especially if you’re holding down a job whilst looking after your kids. If you want to take more care of yourself but are struggling to find the time, read on to find out how you can fit in self-care every day without feeling like you’re neglecting your kids.
Make Sure that You’re Well Rested
One of the most basic elements of self-care is ensuring that you get a good night’s sleep. When you’re running on lack of sleep, you’re more likely to be cranky throughout the day and you won’t be able to perform your daily tasks – whether that be at work or in the home – to the best of your ability. If you struggle to sleep at night, try using different oils or pillow sprays that relax you and help you to sleep. If you wake up one day and can tell that you haven’t had enough sleep, there are simple ways in which you can quickly wake yourself up, such as with a quick cup of coffee. Why not invest in a coffee machine? You don’t even have to spend a fortune on the capsules, as you can find compatible versions at a cheaper price from retailers like Gourmesso. Capsules are perfect for when you need good coffee fast and will make sure that you don’t take any time out of your busy schedule.
Take Advantage of Your Shower Time
When you shower at the end or beginning of each day, if you’re not in a rush to get to work, this is the perfect time of the day in which you can take advantage of your alone time. When you’ve just gotten out of the shower, don’t rush around trying to get ready as quick as you possibly can; take your time and pamper yourself a little. When your skin is clean and wet, it’s the perfect canvas for a relaxing homemade facemask that can make you feel both relaxed and rejuvenated in as little as 15 minutes, so no time will be taken out of your day.
Have a Well-Balanced Diet
One of the best ways to take care of yourself is to take care of your body. When you’re a busy mom, it can be easy to buy takeout and fast food for your children on the way home from school, but while this can be saving you time that you would have spent cooking, it can have a detrimental effect on both you and your children’s self-care. Studies have shown that a well-balanced diet can help to fight the onset of diseases like diabetes, but will also make a huge day to day difference with the ability to make your mind more alert and improve short term memory problems.
Eating healthy is a very easy self-care change to make, as you can quickly swap out fries for carrot sticks, even at fast food restaurants. Small changes to your diet can make all the difference, and cooking can even be fun! If you’re worried that your kids won’t wait for the food to cook, try getting them involved with making some healthy dishes.
As a mother, caring for your children is one of the most important things that you need to do, but it’s equally important to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. No matter how busy you are, there are simple changes that you can make to your daily life that can greatly improve how you function and feel on a daily basis. Don’t sacrifice your own well-being for your kids – make sure that you look after yourself just as much as you look after them.
That gourmesso sounds awesome. Capsules are so expensive and with this coronavirus quarantine, I really need to save some bucks. I think that would also help me to catch some zzzs. Do you know if their coffee capsules come in decaf?