As your child approaches a double-digit age, the number of expenses increase and you need to be cautious with how you spend, lest you find yourself in a financial predicament. A birthday party is one of the things that you can to spend less on, even though the event is very important to your 10-year-old and there is no way you are going to miss hosting one. Spending more does not necessarily mean that the birthday party will be as fun or as lively, even though we all know that more ideas and activities will need you to dig deeper into your pockets. With a limited budget, you can still make the day as fun as possible and memorable as well.

Here are fun 10th birthday party ideas for parents on a budget.
Shorten the guest list
It is a birthday for a 10-year-old, and not a neighborhood holiday party, and you need to keep it that way. Invite your kid’s friends, and not the entire family. Since you are operating on a budget, you need to cut down the number of mouths to feed, and this is by shortening your guest list to as few people as possible. Sacrifice the chit chat and catching up with your neighbors and let your kids be kids. Doing this will reduce your cost on food to snacks only, which you do not need is bulk too as kids are more into playing than eating and joining a new book club.
Introduce outdoor games
The life of all kids is nothing with no games and play. Avoid indoors and look to take people outdoor if possible if you got a spacious compound or venue. This should not be hard if your guests’ list is composed of your kid’s friends rather than the entire family including the senior citizens. The kind of games you also choose to play will determine how costly it is and how fun it will be. Consider picking out games that cost nothing but bring out lots of adrenaline rush. Games such as hide and seek, water guns, football, bubble making, and playing around with pets will do the trick and have you spending very little.
Use the park as the venue
Hosting the party at a park seems like a costly endeavor but can save you quite a lot make your choices right. The park is an all in one destination for all play equipment and machinery. Instead of hiring a bouncing castle to have it at your backyard, or bringing on board an inflatable pool, consider hosting the birthday party at the park where all these and many more are available. This allows you and the guests a variety of fun activities to engage in and spend way less compared to having this equipment temporarily installed at your backyard and running all day long.
Go easy on presents
A birthday cannot be complete if you do not get to shower your kid with presents. Consider going for presents that inexpensive and durable. There is also the option of making the presents yourself. If you have no idea of what they would want, take the guess work out for that present for the little 10 year old and indulge them to make it as fun as possible.
With this guide, it is rather obvious that it is possible to have a fun 10th birthday party on a budget.
I love these ideas, especially a park as a venue! So smart to save money! I also love to have off-peak hours for parties to save money on food!
I just wrote a similar article on Richmond Family magazine.. so important to take the stress out if birthdays
My firstborn turns 10 this weekend!!! We decided to go on a family trip instead of throwing a big party. We can’t wait to go to Universal and Magic Mountain to celebrate!
I love the idea of shortening the guest list–not everyone and their mother needs to be there, and I find it more memorable to only have a select few!
i totally agree with shortlists. It can be hard sometimes but way easier to manage
All of our birthday parties are budget-friendly. It’s something that we can’t really afford so we had to get crafty. It’s definitely hard at first!
Thank you for sharing. My daughter is eight and will be 9 next year. However, on her 5th birthday, she asked to go to Egypt for her 10th birthday lol Now, I need to plan THAT on a budget.
Great tips! I love doing outdoor toys because it often keeps everyone entertained (no matter what the age) and we still continue to use them well after the party, so they are always a good investment!
We are very minimalist when it comes to Birthdays. We don’t like to spend a lot of money we typically just go out to eat I want to teach my kids to spend time with their family because that’s what’s most important however if I was going to do a party I would Definitely be using these tips.
These are such sensible tips at any age. Honestly, it is not a “thing” in our neighborhood to invite tens or hundreds of ppl to a birthday party, and I am excited that my soon-to-be-double-digits child will be having just a more intimate get-together with a few close friends, doing a special girls’ day adventure..