Motherhood means multitasking, in most cases. It comes as no surprise for moms to juggle all sorts of things at once: child care, career, and the household in general. Being a mother or a wife is in itself a full-packed job that recognizes no hours or days off.
If you are a new working mom or about to become one, how will you manage your time for your family and work? Is there a proven formula that you can apply so that you remain on top of everything? Find out how below.

Career versus Family or Both
While times have become more lenient, there’s still some opposition and unfavorable reaction to women who resume their office roles after giving birth. And the prospect itself: taking care of the baby and working leave some millennial moms overwhelmed. There is also too much expectation on these multihyphenated women to score a perfect 10 in work and child-rearing that others opt to leave their careers to focus on parenting.
For all the struggles and hardships, successful working moms have found their balance. And you can learn from them.
1. Say No to Your Phone
Turn off your work email notifications on your phone, or better yet, don’t open your laptop unless it’s an urgent matter when you are at home. Your mind wants to rest and focus on your private family affairs. When you have put down the wash rag or sent your child to sleep, you can sit somewhere and open your phone so you don’t miss out on anything.
2. Find Your Efficiency
You can’t possibly take care of your child and clock in eight hours at the office or work odd hours, but you can strive to be good at these individual roles. Instead of feeling guilty about leaving the child to a trustworthy person, think of how your income can benefit your family in the long run, such as having a comfortable life or a good college education for your child.
3. Get Help
You are better off taking some things off your plate especially if you have people you can handle these for you. Get your babysitter, spouse, or your parents to help you with some administrative tasks. Although being a superwoman is commendable, you may be more effective as a working mom when you focus on the essential tasks.
4. Leverage Technology
Take advantage of modern conveniences that let you accomplish errands that would have otherwise cost you time and energy. It can be from ordering food, buying baby supplies and certain grocery items, or paying bills. Also, use apps that let you monitor your household budget and track your family’s key dates.
5. Learn from Yourself and Others
Motherhood is not a one-size-fits-all role. Some have been nurturing to others and felt that being a mom is their calling. Others raise their children by instinct, a contraption perhaps that triggers when you give birth. You can trade experiences with fellow working mothers with an intent to build on your parenting style based on your situation.
6. Care for Yourself
Amid the hustle and bustle, pay attention to yourself. You can use a clean break from all the work and life matters that occupy your mind 24-7. Some viable self-care ideas are going for a walk, meeting friends for lunch, keeping a journal, or engaging in a mechanical task. Any of these tasks is a good source of reflection and introspection.
Working moms are a species of their own; they work hard to do what they do. As yoga practitioners do, find your center in being a mother and a working parent.
Love the tips that you shared and at this age, we should all learn how to maximize the use of technology to make our lives easier. Online shopping has helped me a lot too.
love this topic! every single one of them is such an important guide on how we can balance our life as a mom. Thanks so much for sharing
Such great tips! I’ve definitely learned as a WAHM that I need to be efficient and stay focused
Thank you for sharing your experience and tips on this subject! A very helpful post! 🙂