Do you love wine and want to make it your perfect dinner companion? You might be wondering what the best varieties are for that perfect evening. Choosing the best quality for a dinner party for you and your loved one is not easy. You look at the colorful bottles that line up the shelves. You feel overwhelmed and perplexed. There are different varieties such as red, whites, bubbling, and sparkling wine. If you know any one variety, it is easy to pick just one variety. Then, you cannot drink the same wine at all dinner parties.
According to many people, chardonnay is the best wine you can serve at a summer party to keep your guests happy. It is one of the high-quality and luxury varieties. Read on to learn about the popular wines for your next dinner.

- Pinot Grigio
This wine from Italy is popular for its dry taste and ease of drinking, making it one of the best-liked wines throughout the world. It is also known as pinot grit in the US, France, Argentina, Australia, and Chile. The style of the wine depends on where it is manufactured. Austrian, Italian and German pinot grigio are manufactured in stainless steel tanks, rendering a light, fruity flavor. The wine complements chicken, shellfish, and fish. Old pinot grit is full-bodied with peach undertones and less acidity.
- Cabernet Sauvignon
It has flavors of anise, black currant, and black pepper, and one of the popular red wine varieties. If you love quality wine apart from cabernet sauvignon, you can look up bottles of 1927 Alvear Pedro Ximenez online. It has a dark amber tone and an exquisite taste of marmalade, liquefied nuts, and delicious maple syrup. The price is easy on your wallet; the wine is best enjoyed after a meal. Coming back to cabernet sauvignon, it’s manufactured in most of the wine-growing areas of the world, especially in South America. It goes best with red meat. If you find it too strong, look for Meritage, which is the combination of more than two Bordeaux grape. It can be Cabernet, Merlot, Sauvignon, Petit Verdot, and cabernet franc.
- Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir is lightweight and not heavy as Malbec, Merlot, or cabernet sauvignon, and it has a soft, fruity taste that you love to taste. Therefore, if you are inviting many guests at a party, it is a crowd pleaser, especially for those who have a fondness for red wine. The wine depending on where it is produced, it has a range of flavors such as earthy mushrooms, dark fruit, and spicy horseradish. You can serve French Burgundy that is very popular, but heavy on your wallet. Only if you are hosting a special occasion such as a wedding or an anniversary, opt for this wine. Do not choose the affordable options if the occasion is truly extraordinary.
Now that you know about these popular wines, stock them in a wine cellar for your next anniversary.
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