Car insurance can be a substantial cost, however with a little savviness it is possible to easily save on it. Here’s how:

How To Save Hundreds Of Dollars On Car Insurance
  1. Shop Around For The Best Car Insurance

Saving hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance is possible, you only need to do adequate research before renewing the cover. Doing a bit of window shopping to compare prices should be at the top of the list of ways to save money on car insurance.

Expect to find cheeps ones and some pricey ones too; however, exercise caution when comparing the covers to ensure that you are assessing similar ones, insurance with the level of cover.

You can try online comparison services to make things easier for you. You only have to feed your details and then wait to get and compare the prices you get. You can request for new quotes as you make changes to the mileage you anticipate to drive and the excess you are to pay.

Do appreciate that not all insurers are willing to partner with comparison sites. You may find that some of the big and reputable players in the insurance industry do not feature in such websites. That does not mean that they are an inferior choice. Some of them offer affordable car insurance.

You may be happy with you what your current insurer is providing, but you are not pleased with their renewal quote. You should inform them of the various offers you source from rival insurers and then ask your insurance provider to try and match those offers, or you will be more than happy to take your money elsewhere.

  1. Name Only A Few Drivers In Your Policy

When naming drivers in the policy, only name persons who will be regular drivers. Slots for naming a new person are always open; you can add someone when such a need arises.

  1. Protect That No-Claims Bonus

You can save on your auto insurance and still manage to protect it by taking a long no-claims bonus. The bonus may increase the payable premium, but that cost quickly becomes insignificant when compared to the probability of getting a 90% discount on premium worth hundreds of dollars.

Keep in mind that the no-claims bonus may vary significantly from insurer to insurer. Accidents due to another driver will have no impact on the bonus, but those caused by you (the insured) will. Therefore, read through the policy carefully before agreeing to anything.

  1. Increase Your Voluntary Excess

You can reduce your auto insurance premiums by agreeing to pay more for the costs of accident repairs. Moreover, the excess can be recovered if the accident was not your fault. But do not get tempted to let it rise too high particular if your vehicle is of a low value.

  1. Secure Your Car

Getting your car secured by introducing a simple thing such as tracking devices can see you get the overall insurance price slashed by around 5%. Most new vehicles have tracking devices as well as immobilizers are a standard; therefore, check your car to ensure you have them and they are working before you declare them to your insurance provider.

  1. Reduce Your Mileage

Your efforts to reduce your mileage will see you make significant savings. For instance, a driver of around 35 years of age can save around $65 each year on their premiums by cutting the annual mileage by 5,000miles. If the mileage cutbacks are more than 10,000 miles, then it is possible to make more than $130.

Nevertheless, you should avoid inaccuracies when stating your annual mileage because this can put your claim at risk. Check out the “use cover” to know the various elements that increase the premium so that you find which can help you get a cheaper rate as you factor in various things such as who often you use the car.

  1. Avoid Adding Young Drivers

Most young and inexperienced drivers are often considered a liability when taking auto insurance covers, especially when it comes to high-powered, high-end cars.

The young driver may or may not have a no-claims bonus, either way, such a driver will affect your premium. Also, insurers are keen on identifying and dealing with fronting, where parents take covers under their names cut costs on their children’s vehicles. If you are thinking along the same lines, then make sure that you are listed as the primary driver, and be a policyholder that true to what you declare.