Happy New Year!

Every year, we try to start the new year on a good note.  Resolutions, spring cleaning.. it’s on!

So what are some of my resolutions this year?  While I don’t have many, and they are usually about the same – it is about doing better.  The resolutions are simple: better eating, healthier living, getting more organized, more quality time spent with family.

While I handle things like healthy meals and family activities, as my kids get older, it is important for them to develop healthy habits on their own.  In other words, they can make these resolutions too!

To achieve those resolutions, it means a routine that that is realistic and that the kids can stick with.  One of the things that is a priority is a good brushing routine.  The kids have lost a several of their of baby teeth, so more than ever, they need to take care of their adult teeth.  I had so many issues with my teeth growing up, and I don’t want my kids to go through the same.  The kids are big fans of Hello Toothpaste, and they go crazy for the flavors (translation: no one is allowed to touch their toothpaste!).  They were so happy to find Hello Toothpaste in their stockings this Christmas, so our resolutions are promising!

Hello Toothpaste

So now that the holidays are over (and the gingerbread houses have been demolished), the kids are getting back on track with routines.  That means getting up on time so that there is enough time to brush before school, and using the brushing timer every night to make sure the kids don’t rush through brushing.  Hello is a good incentive – but minus artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, dyes, preservatives and microbeads – so we aren’t compromising.  They each have their favorite flavors stocked from Christmas – so no excuses!

Bonus – my 10 year old actually seeks out dye-free products as the results of discussions we have had about avoiding foods and other products that contain dyes!

Hello Products

I’m not much different than the kids when it comes to needing a little motivation.  I love when I find a good product that gives me a little incentive.  Take Hello’s Mojito Mint Toothpaste!  Who wouldn’t want to end a long, stressful day with this flavor toothpaste?

Hello Toothpaste

Then there’s Hello whitening toothpaste.  I stopped using traditional whitening toothpastes years ago because my teeth are so sensitive, but Hello is so gentle that I can reap that fantastic bonus of brighter teeth, without the discomfort.  I love starting out the New Year with a brighter smile and more confidence.

With a toothpaste for everyone in the family – no excuses!  While I love the Mojito Mint, I like to get in some extra whitening, and I’m guilty of enjoying the kid’s flavors too!

What are your plans for the new year?  Do you have resolutions for healthier habits?


Check out Hello at http://www.hello-products.com/