Expecting? Have a baby in diapers? Consider using cloth diapers. These diapers have so many benefits.

Here are 10 reasons you need to take a look at modern cloth diapers.
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10. They’re adorable. The prints, the colors, the fluffy soft fabrics. Aah.

(you can find these adorable cloth diapers on Amazon!)
9. They’re more like disposables than ever. With “all-in one” styles and Velcro closures available, even new Daddies and babysitters will have no trouble. Cloth diapers aren’t plastic pants and prefolds anymore!
8. They can save you money. Even with more expensive styles, they cost less over time than disposables and they have resale value when you’re finished with them. Let’s see you do that with disposable diapers!
7. You will do less laundry. What? Yep. I had so many blowouts with disposables that I regularly had to wash entire outfits. Cloth contains messes so well that I swear I do less laundry, even with washing diapers! Make sure you use a cloth diaper laundry detergent to maximize the use and lifespan of your cloth diapers.

6. Cloth is convenient. Washing, stuffing and folding diapers is convenient? Yes! No running out to the store to get diapers, trying to hurry up and use up a pack of now too-small diapers, no clipping coupons, sale shopping and trying to stockpile the right size diapers! No stinky trash, no hauling dirty diapers and empty diaper packages to the curb either.
5. Washing cloth diapers isn’t hard. You don’t have to dunk them in the toilet or soak them in bleach. You don’t even need expensive detergents, just ones that are designed for cloth diapers. You may also want to consider a cloth diaper sprayer to make your job easier.
4. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. The diaper police won’t come and arrest you if you use disposables at night, on trips or at daycare. I promise. There are even diapers available with disposable inserts like Flip and Grovia.
3. Everyone else is doing it. Cloth is starting to go mainstream, and some people are finding cloth diapering products in grocery and drug stores. Even celebrities are using cloth diapers!
2. You might like it. Lots of people who switch for a certain reason (to save money, or cut down on rashes) are surprised to find that cloth diapering becomes a hobby. Putting a cute fluffy diaper on your baby is fun, and stacking clean diapers up nice and neat is relaxing!
1. If you cloth diaper, what is the #1 reason you think other parents should consider cloth diapers?
I didn’t use cloth diapers when my girls were small, but if I would have had them later in life, I probably would have!
Cloth diapers must be so much better for the environment without all that garbage from disposable diapers. I probably should have used cloth when I had my babies
I love products like this cuz their garbage free and would save a lot.
I know many people who use them. I wouldn’t have the patience so I never did, but they certainly are cute.
Cloth diapers are wonderful, I wish I would have done this more with my son.
My aunt gave me a beautiful set of cloth diapers for my first born. They were amazing!
I love your points. This product is really worth every penny..I hope many people would do the switch.
My aunt used cloth diapers and loved them. It certainly get away from using a diaper genies and worrying about whether it’s time to get more diapers at the store.
I just hope this cloth diapers were available before. My sons are grown ups now but they will need to know this for their babies.
I never used cloth diapers with my daughter but I can see that there are a lot of reasons to try them.
I never tried cloth diapers for my children, but you bring up some great reasons to try them.
I think these are good reasons to consider cloth diapers. I would use it for sure!
I honestly wish I would have used cloth diapers with my kids. I would definitely think about it if I were to ever have more kids. I think it’s a great idea.
I wish I had known all that when I had my son, but I will for sure pass the information to my sister in law who is expecting her first baby
I used few time, but cleaning makes me want them to change it otherwise it was really great .
Cloth diapers are great for environment and wallet. My sister only used cloth diaper and she loved it.