This is truly the BEST applesauce ever, and it’s so easy to make!  It was started by my husband’s Grandmother, and passed along as time went by.  I’ve made my own tweaks here and there, but the basics are accredited to Grandma Anderson.  We love you Grandma!

Grandma's Applesauce Recipe


6 large granny smith apples, peeled
1/2 cup sugar (I use sugar in the raw, but it measures the same as white)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon


1. Cut apples into small bite-size pieces

2. Mix in cinnamon and sugar

3. Microwave (on high) for 20 min

4. Stir and continue microwaving for 5 min intervals until all apples are soft (color will darken)

5. Let cool, and serve warm or chill

This is also really yummy topped with granola, nuts, or any other crunchy topping.  My kids will NOT eat store-bought applesauce any more.  Yes, they are a little spoiled I guess.  One thing you can also do is buy any type of apple (look for the bargain ones that are almost too ripe – they taste just fine too) to make the applesauce.  I like the granny smith because they are little tarter than most other apples, and it adds that little kick to it.

Happy Cooking!


Elisabeth is the mother of three boys, wife to author A.M. LaMouria, and is passionate about her faith and her family.  She loves to cook, create, and be adventurous.