The average American spends several hours each day watching TV. Most homes today have at least one TV, if not several. People love to spend their leisure time enjoying their favorite shows or movies, often with family and friends.
Over the years, TVs have advanced significantly. They are no longer the big boxes on the floor taking up valuable space. They are thinner, lighter, more elegant, and more dynamic. While some TVs are significantly bigger than those used by past generations, they still occupy less space. Many families are looking into getting a TV mounted for several reasons.

Save Space
Many people choose to have their TVs mounted because they will have more floor space. While televisions are thinner and lighter, they take up valuable space when not mounted on a wall. Mounting the TV resolves these issues.
Fewer Furnishings
Countless families are finding they need more space in their residences. One way to make this space and save money is by mounting a TV on the wall. There is no reason to purchase a large piece of furniture to hold the TV because it is secured by special equipment. The family will have fewer furnishings taking up space, which means they can use that space for other purposes rather than move to a larger residence.
Save Money
Furthermore, by not purchasing large furniture to hold the TV, the homeowner can use these funds for other purposes. Wall mounts are very inexpensive, with many costing less than $100. This is an economical way to have the TV positioned so that everyone can enjoy it without investing in furniture that will hold this device.
Reduced Glare
Anyone who watches TV during the day or has lights on in the room may find a glare on the television. This glare can be very irritating, particularly when it blocks a large portion of the screen. When a person chooses a tilting or full-motion TV wall mount, they can adjust the TV angle to ensure there is no glare when sitting in their favorite seat. If the television were on a piece of furniture, the homeowner could move it, but then they are at risk of the TV falling and harming them or their property. The TV may not survive this move either, leading to increased costs for the homeowner.
Increased Safety
Homeowners may leave their TV on furniture and not worry about moving it, even if there is a glare on the screen. However, their children or pets could play in the room and accidentally bump into this furnishing. When they do, the TV could fall and hurt them. If the children and pets walk away unscathed, the TV may be permanently damaged and need replacement. Mounting it on a wall ensures it is out of the reach of children and pets, increasing their safety and protecting the TV from harm.
Improved Health
People use countless electronic devices every day. They have smartphones, tablets, computers, and more. Sadly, the use of these devices is negatively affecting their eyesight and body position. When people mount their TV on a wall, they can ensure it is the appropriate watching distance and at the right height to prevent health issues.
These benefits should convince everybody to mount their television on a wall. Other benefits will also be seen once this task is completed. Try it today and see how mounting the TV changes the viewing experience in countless ways for the better.
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