Congratulations on your new bundle of joy, your life is about to change in all kinds of wonderful ways, except maybe in regards to how much sleep you can get a night! Our lovely babies bring us so much joy, but they can also be quite stubborn about when, or even if, they are going to give you a break and go night-night! In fact, babies can have very definite opinions on things like going to sleep, and they will let you know in no uncertain terms if they are unhappy with the situation by serenading you with ear-splitting shrieks and wails!

It’s important for the first six months to keep your newborns with you in your bedroom, safe and sound in Bassinets placed near your bed for quick cuddles, midnight snacks from mom, and for safety’s sake. Of course this means that when baby can’t sleep you probably won’t be able to, either. Understanding that every new parent faces this, we have assembled a few tips to help get you all through the night!

You can begin my helping your baby get used to the night and day being different. Everyone is very active during the day, this is the time to talk and play with your baby while they are awake. It helps to allow as much natural light into the room as possible, and go for strolls outside with baby when the weather allows. Then, as darkness begins to fall you should begin to lower your voices and move more quietly to signal to baby that there is a change going on. Keep the indoor lights on as needed and for safety, but try to lower them as much as possible along with the setting sun, it’s not bedtime yet, but the lights have dimmed and it’s become quieter.

During this twilight and dusk period put your baby down after they have been fed and changed, and don’t initiate any active play. You can talk to baby and smile, but keep your voices and energy low. If you want to be a bit devious, then pretend to yawn, pretty soon baby will catch it, too, it works a charm! Depending on how well baby slept the night before you may not even have to pretend! After a while your baby will start to show signs that they are getting tired like the following:

  • staring
  • frowning 
  • yawning
  • fussing
  • crying
  • rubbing their eyes
  • making jerky movements 
  • arching their back
  • clenching their fists

As soon as they start showing these signs of being tired it’s time to try to put your baby down to sleep. Being tired makes it less likely your baby will grow distressed and they will fall asleep naturally.

If baby is still up and at’em despite your attempts, try the following before bedtime:

  • a warm bath
  • a breastfeed or bottle-feed
  • reading a bedtime story
  • giving them a goodnight kiss and cuddle
  • singing a lullaby or turning on some quiet music
  • use a wind-up musical mobile

Eventually baby will drift off and you can join them in Slumberland, for a while at least!