One in every five child deaths is caused by an unintentional injury – a child dies every hour in the United States from injuries that could have been prevented. CDC data shows that every year. unintentional injuries cause 12,000 deaths in children aged 1-19 years. This is partly because children have a limited ability to recognize danger, yet they are behaviorally compelled to explore their environment. 

According to personal injury attorneys in Bowling Green, KY, Falls and struck-by injuries are the most common cause of death in children. Still, firearm fatalities are on the rise: the mortality rate has risen from 1.8 deaths per 100,000 in 2013 to 3.7 in 2021.

Your priority when a child is injured is making sure they receive proper medical care and attention. However, once the initial shock subsides, you may wonder if you need to take legal action by hiring a personal injury attorney. 

Here are some key factors to consider when hiring a personal injury lawyer after your child’s injury.

Determine If Negligence Was Involved in Your Child’s Personal Injury Case

The first question is whether the injury occurred due to someone else’s negligence. If your child was hurt in an accident that was caused by another party’s carelessness, recklessness, or intentional actions, you likely have valid grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. 

For example, if your child were injured on someone else’s unsafe property, by a dangerous product, or due to a car accident caused by another driver, these would potentially warrant hiring a personal injury attorney. Personal injury lawyers can investigate who is at fault and help you seek compensation for your child’s medical expenses, pain, and suffering.

Assess the Severity of Your Child’s Injury

The severity of your child’s injury is a significant determiner of when to hire legal help. Minor injuries requiring basic first aid can be handled without involving a personal injury attorney. However, if your child suffers any serious injuries requiring significant medical treatment and incurring major expenses, it’s wise to consult with a personal injury lawyer.

Severe injuries like broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, or burns often require surgery, rehabilitation, and ongoing care. These cases typically justify legal action. A personal injury attorney can fight to recover damages that will provide for your child’s needs now and in the future.

Consider the Insurance Company’s Response To Your Personal Injury Claim

If you make an injury claim directly with an insurance company, be cautious of any lowball offers. Insurance providers will often try to settle for much less than the case is worth. Hiring a personal injury lawyer is your best recourse if an insurer refuses to pay reasonable compensation or denies the claim outright.  

Decide If You Can Afford a Personal Injury Lawyer 

Cost is often a significant barrier to hiring a personal injury lawyer for personal injury cases. However, most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means you don’t pay any upfront legal fees. The personal injury attorney receives only a percentage of any settlement or award if they win your case. 

Additionally, some personal injury law firms offer free consultations. This allows you to discuss your child’s case with a personal injury lawyer to determine your options without commitment or fees.

It’s essential to act fast after an injury since personal injury claims are subject to strict deadlines called statutes of limitations. Depending on state laws, these limit the timeframe you have to take legal action, generally 2-3 years from the date of injury. Meet with personal injury attorneys promptly so they can start building your child’s case while the evidence is fresh.