Congratulations on your new home in Denver. Moving into a new space is thrilling. But tasks such as unpacking, shopping for essentials, and decorating can become overwhelming. To help you navigate this chaotic phase smoothly, here’s a practical checklist to get started.

Furniture Setup 

Setting up furniture is the first step in making your new house in Denver feel like home. It’s more than just arranging chairs and tables. It’s about establishing a place that matches your taste and provides maximum convenience. Many high-end furniture stores in Denver promise quality and functionality. However, not all deliver on both fronts. 

That’s why ELEMENT Home recommends seeking expert consultation. Consultation ensures you find furniture that ticks off all the features: aesthetics, premium appeal, functionality, and the best price. Also, the expert guidance will help ensure that your furniture makes the most of each square foot. 

The thing is, as of February 2022, the typical Colorado home measured 2,027 square feet. Compared to five years ago, homes are now roughly the size of a studio apartment. They have been about 350 square feet smaller on average since the mid-2010s. Hence, it’s important for furniture to fit your small space snugly without compromising on any features. 

A well-planned furniture arrangement delivers an inviting feeling for your family and visitors. Further, a clutter-free room clears the mind and sets the stage for other essential tasks and activities in your new home.

Utilities & Services 

Arranging utilities and services is crucial when moving to Denver. The city’s unique infrastructure and weather patterns make timely setup essential. Denver’s infrastructure, including older wiring and pipelines, can cause delays. 

Additionally, the city’s weather ranges from hot summers to snowy winters. Thus, you’ll want heating, cooling, and other utilities ready to go. Here’s a checklist to help you get started:

  • Electricity and Gas – Contact a reliable provider to set up your electric and gas services. 
  • Water and Sewage – Reach out to Denver Water to ensure your water supply is active. 
  • Internet and Cable – Many providers offer various internet and cable packages. Do Google research, visit their websites, compare options, and schedule installation.
  • Trash and Recycling – The city of Denver manages this service. You can sign up on the Denver government website.
  • Postal Services – Visit the USPS website to update your address and verify your mail delivery.

Organizing these services quickly will ensure your new home is up and running, helping you get into routine quickly. 

Safety & Security 

Living in Denver is unsafe if you are not vigilant about protecting your home and belongings. Here are three alarming statistics that underscore the significance of safety and security in Denver. 

  • Denver has a property crime rate of 1072.5 incidents per 100,000 people. It’s above average compared to other areas. 
  • According to a Seattle University survey, Denver residents identified homelessness and nighttime crime as their top safety concerns. The survey rated daytime crime fear at 45/100, rising to nearly 55/100 at night. 
  • Recently, Denver has seen a concerning rise in homicides, ranking 11th nationwide for per capita homicide rates. Additionally, it ranks among the top 10 cities for auto theft, property crime, and incidents of rape. 

These trends underscore the importance of prioritizing safety and implementing effective security measures. To ensure your new home in Denver is safe and secure, consider these practical tips:

  • Install motion-sensor outdoor lights to enhance visibility and deter intruders.
  • Reinforce door and window locks for an extra layer of security against break-ins.
  • Join local watch programs as they increase community alertness and promote a safer environment.
  • Trim shrubbery near entrances to reduce the hiding spots for potential intruders.
  • Use smart home security systems for remote monitoring and instant alerts.
  • Keep valuables out of sight to minimize temptation for opportunistic thieves.
  • Secure garage doors to prevent unauthorized access to your vehicle and home.
  • Invest in a safe to protect important paperwork and valuables from robbery.
  • Install window security film to reinforce windows against forced entry and prevent shattering.
  • Upgrade to smart door locks for keyless entry and remote access control.

Incorporate these specific measures into your safety and security plan to fortify your new home in Denver against potential risks. This will help create a safer living environment for you and your family.

Taking care of legal and administrative tasks after moving into your new Denver home is important for legal compliance. 

For example, understanding local regulations like property tax assessments and homeowner association rules helps you avoid penalties and maintain good standing in your community. 

Updating your address with the DMV for vehicle registration and driver’s license ensures that you comply with state laws and avoid potential fines. Reviewing your homeowner’s insurance policy is essential to confirm it covers specific risks in Denver, such as hailstorms or wildfires, which are common in the area. 

Making these adjustments ensures you’re legally compliant and well-prepared to enjoy your new home without administrative hassles.

Local Amenities

Discovering your new neighborhood in Denver is an exciting journey! Here’s a handy guide to local amenities to help you settle in smoothly:

  • Grocery Shopping: Denver offers a variety of grocery stores catering to every taste and budget. From local markets to larger chains, you’ll find everything you need just a short drive away.
  • Parks: Enjoy the outdoors with Denver’s beautiful parks. Whether you’re looking for a serene spot to relax or a playground for the kids, there’s a park nearby for everyone.
  • Museums: Explore art and culture at the Denver Art Museum. Soon, after its merger with the Kirkland Institute of Fine & Decorative Art, it will also show stunning decorative art and extensive holdings by artist Vance Kirkland.
  • Library: Dive into knowledge at Denver’s libraries, offering a wealth of books and resources for all ages. It’s the perfect place to unwind or research your interests.
  • Cafes: Dive into Denver’s vibrant coffee scene with cozy cafes perfect for catching up with friends or enjoying a quiet moment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I prepare to move into a new house? 

To prepare for moving into a new house, start by decluttering and packing early. Label boxes clearly for easy unpacking. Arrange utilities and change your address. Clean the new space before moving in, and inspect it for any repairs needed. This ensures a smooth transition into your new home.

When should I start packing to move into a new house?

Start packing for your move into a new house at least 4-6 weeks in advance to avoid last-minute rushes and stress.

What rooms should I pack first when moving?

Start with non-essential rooms because they contain items you use less frequently, making them easier to pack without disrupting daily routines or essential items needed until moving day

Moving into a new home in Denver is an exciting adventure filled with opportunities to settle into a vibrant community. By following these practical steps and exploring local amenities, you’ll quickly feel at home amidst the convenience and charm that Denver has to offer.