The presentation and packaging of food creates a great effect on people. Before purchasing food items people often look for its packaging.  Beyond the mere concept of a vessel, efficient food packaging is a narrative, a message of value, and protection. In this blog we will look for the top 10 ideas to improve the food packaging.

  1. Eco- Friendly Materials

People are concerned about the sustainability factor now a days and they want to know that the product they are using is sustainable or not. If you use biodegradable plastics, recycled paper, and reusable containers, you will cut your costs of production since they are cheaper than the normal plastics and papers and at the same time appeal to the increasing number of environmentally conscious buyers. Emphasize the usage of the environmentally friendly material on the packing to educate and appeal to the green consumers. 

 2. Innovative Designs 

Product design is a way to bring differentiation in your product so that it stands out on the shelves. Think about the specific shapes, bright and saturated colours, and the graphics that will emphasize your company’s values. For instance, a design that is ergonomic to fit in a hand or a colour that stands out can make people focus and improve the usability of the design. 

3. Clear and Informative labelling 

The most important factor while doing packaging of anything is to maintain the trust of the consumers. It is compulsory to make sure that your packaging contains all the information about ingredients, allergens and all the nutritional values as well. Choose large print and think about incorporating a QR code that will take the reader to more information such as sourcing, recipes, or reviews. 

 4. Portion Control Packaging 

 Since health and wellness aspects are trending, portion control packaging can serve the population interested in portion control. Suggest serving sizes or packages that can be sealed back up to be used another time so that customers only buy what they need. It can also help in minimizing food waste and increasing the shelf life of the product as well.

5. Interactive Elements 

 Use more of the interactive packaging aspects that are able to capture the attention of your customers. This could include layering that when peeled off has fun facts, games, or even the augmented reality part which can be seen through a Smartphone. Not only does interactive packaging engage the consumer but it also makes him or her spend more time with your product. 

 6. Storytelling Through Packaging 

The right packaging can tell the story of your brand in the right way. Make your packaging tell your story or the story of your brand, the story of the sourcing of the raw materials, or the story of the company. Consumers are likely to be emotionally attached with the product you are selling if you present the product with an interesting story. 

  7. Convenience Features 

 Modern consumers appreciate convenience. Add-ons like easy open tabs, resealable zippers and microwave safe containers should be included to make the product more convenient to use. Convenience features can increase the consumer satisfaction level, and therefore your product becomes the preferred one for many people with busy schedules. 

 8. Premium Packaging 

 When it comes to luxury or high-end food products, then premium packaging can explain the high price tag and add to the value. Choose materials of the highest quality, simple and stylish designs, and complex printing methods like embossing or foil stamping. Luxury packaging is a way to enhance your brand and appeal to the clients who are willing to pay for the best. 

 9. Customizable Packaging 

 This is also true when a customer is allowed to choose his/her packaging style since this makes the experience unique. This can range from just giving the possibility to choose between two or three different colours, to letting the customers draw their names or any other message they want on the packaging. Personalization of the packaging can help in improving the brand loyalty and makes the product perfect for gift purposes.

10. Smart Packaging 

 Technology can be incorporated into your packaging to add more value to your customers. Technologies such as temperature sensors, freshness sensors, and NFC tags can help make smart packaging solutions for food safety and quality. These features can help customers to trust your product and your brand so they will be willing to buy your product. 


If you want to improve the food packaging it consist of different steps as enhancing the ecological factor, innovation, convenience and applying latest technology. If you use these ideas in your packaging design, you will be in a position to come up with packaging that has the protective aspect as well as the appealing aspect. Just to refresh your memory, the packaging is the first thing that your customers come across, so it should be unique.