Sedation dentistry offers a wonderful solution for patients suffering from severe anxiety over dental procedures. Sedation helps ease fear, raise the pain threshold and make time pass more quickly than otherwise.

Oral sedation involves taking a pill containing Halcion (a benzodiazepine like Valium), about an hour before your appointment to induce minimal to moderate sedation.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Fear and anxiety of visiting the dentist are a very real obstacle, preventing people from receiving regular care they require for healthy smiles. Dental sedation offers patients a way to relax while receiving any procedure needed from complex surgeries to routine cleanings – an easy solution!

Sedation dentistry involves taking either an oral tablet or intravenous injection of sedative medication before your dental visit in order to feel relaxed and calm throughout it. Sedation dentistry is especially useful for those with severe dental anxiety or true phobia, reducing gagging while helping the dental professional work faster – ultimately making the experience less stressful for both of you!

As your sedative may take some time to wear off after your procedure, ideally someone should drive you home from your appointment. Furthermore, alcohol and other drugs should be avoided prior to seeking sedation and it’s important to inform your dentist of any medical conditions or allergies that could impact receiving adequate sedation, such as pregnancy or history of reactions against nitrous oxide sedation.

Laughing Gas

If you or your child have anxiety surrounding dental appointments, there may be a suitable sedation option available for them. Sedation dentistry in North York involves various techniques and medications designed to relax patients before, during, and after their dental procedures. A dentist will discuss which method of sedation will provide optimal comfort during your dental visit based on your medical history.

Nitrous oxide, also referred to as laughing gas, is an inhalable medication designed to relax and calm patients during dental treatments. Administered through an inhaler placed over your nose, its minimal level of sedation allows patients to remain conscious while still responding to questions and instructions from their dentist. Furthermore, pure oxygen quickly dissipates its effects as soon as their mask comes off.

Patients receiving this level of sedation should arrange for someone from their family or friend circle to drive them between appointments, since its effects take several hours to wear off and it would not be safe for patients driving alone under this level of sedation. It creates a long period of amnesia so it may cause them to forget much of what took place during treatment.

Oral Sedation

If you suffer from dental anxiety, oral sedation may be the solution. Administered as pills by your dentist, oral sedation allows patients to feel relaxed while remaining conscious while their body functions continue normally; additionally it can suppress gag reflexes while providing assistance in controlling physical movements.

IV sedation is another popular form of sedation and can be easily adjusted throughout a procedure to keep patients relaxed and comfortable. It’s ideal for longer procedures as well as patients who have low pain thresholds or active gag reflexes, making IV sedation suitable even in instances with no significant discomfort or fear.

No matter which form of sedation you choose, it is crucial that you provide your dentist with your medical history prior to attending your appointment. This will enable them to assess if you qualify as a candidate and identify any medications which could interact negatively with the sedatives used. You should also arrange for someone trusted – either family or friend – to drive you as after any kind of sedation, you should not operate a vehicle until its effects have worn off.