As a hardy, fast-spreading grass, kikuyu turf is prized by many Sydney homeowners seeking to establish lush lawns. But there are some important precautions to take when purchasing kikuyu grass to ensure you buy a high-quality product suited for your property. Let’s explore key considerations and tips for buying smart when you buy kikuyu turf from authentic sources like Buffalo Turf

Check Grower Qualifications

Not all turf growers operate at the same level. Seek out established farms and lawn care specialists with demonstrated experience cultivating kikuyu grass. They understand optimal growing methods and conditions to produce thick, healthy turf mats. Unqualified growers may take shortcuts or lack quality control. Vet potential suppliers thoroughly.

Confirm Mowing Height

Kikuyu height should be cut to 15-20mm before harvesting for transplanting. If mowed too short, the grass lacks the leaf surface area needed for sufficient photosynthesis to establish well. Taller turf with longer root structure also withstands transplant shock better. Verify mowing height meets specifications.

Assess Soil Quality

High-grade kikuyu thrives in fertile, well-drained soil. Inspect the turf base for compressed or muddy soil, which indicates poor drainage unsuitable for kikuyu roots. Optimal turf soil should be smooth, even and easily permeable while still holding form. Pay for quality soil, not just the grass.

Check Turf Thickness

Run your fingers through the turf to gauge thickness and density. Kikuyu should feel full and dense with multiple shoots per square centimetre. Sparser or irregular turf suggests poor growing conditions and eventual thinning after laying. Well-established kikuyu forms a lush, verdant mat.

Watch for Weeds

Even quality kikuyu turf farms battle weeds. But excessive broadleaf weeds or clumps indicate neglected maintenance and turf possibly harvested too young. Ideally, weed content should be below 5%. Confirm the grower sprays for weeds and how recently. Handpicking may be required post-installation.

Ask About Herbicides

Many growers use pre-emergent herbicides to control weeds in kikuyu. Ask which products are applied and when. Avoid turf sprayed just prior to harvest, as residues can impede your new lawn’s growth. Also factor in your own weed control plans to prevent over-application.

Review Delivery Logistics

Get clear terms for delivery day, timing, placement and equipment used. Kikuyu rolls are heavy, often requiring mechanical lifting and transport. Sudden weather may delay shipping. Measure access spaces to ensure truck access. Ask how rolled turf will be offloaded and positioned. Clear arrangements prevent issues.

Discuss Post-Laying Care

Kikuyu requires proper watering, fertilization, mowing and care once laid for full establishment. Confirm after-sales support offered by your turf supplier. Are watering guidelines provided? What about follow-up inspections or lawn troubleshooting advice? Know their role in your turf’s ongoing success.

Understand Refund Policy

Mistаkes in orԁering or grower errors ԁo oссur. Know the suррlier’s рoliсy for refunԁs or turf reрlасement well before аny рroblems аrise. Mаny offer рrorаteԁ сoverаge of сosts if issues аre reрorteԁ рromрtly with eviԁenсe. Reаsonаble sаtisfасtion guаrаntees рroviԁe сustomer рroteсtion.

Inspect Before Purchase

Don’t buy turf sight unseen. Visit the farm first and examine turf closely before committing, if possible. Assess consistency, density, texture, weeds and other qualities up close. Trust your eyes and hands to gauge if their kikuyu meets your lawn expectations. Don’t compromise quality.


By саrefully vetting suррliers, insрeсting turf mаturity аnԁ unԁerstаnԁing саre сonsiԁerаtions, you саn аvoiԁ рitfаlls when buying kikuyu grаss. Pаtienсe раys off to finԁ аn exрerienсeԁ, reрutаble grower willing to аnswer questions аnԁ set сleаr exрeсtаtions. Mаking аn informeԁ сhoiсe ensures your new kikuyu lаwn stаrts on the best footing for lushness.