Spring is a great time to save money by making smart choices and taking advantage of seasonal opportunities. As the seasons change, I always try to think of ways to save money.

Here are some spring money-saving tips!

Small purple flowers growing in a cluster

Spring clean & purge

Decluttering your home during spring cleaning not only makes your space more organized but also allows you to find and identify items you no longer need that can be sold or donated.

Consider listing unwanted items online to earn extra cash or having a garage sale.

Don’t forget to claim larger donations on your taxes!

Do a kitchen cleanout

A good kitchen cleanout is a great way to save money. Between your fridge, pantry, and freezer, be resourceful to use up items that you have on hand already.

Check out my tips for a good Kitchen Pantry cleanout.

DIY projects

Take advantage of the milder weather to tackle DIY home maintenance tasks such as cleaning gutters, servicing your air conditioning unit, and sealing drafts around windows and doors.

Performing these tasks yourself can save you money on professional services, and things like changing furnace air filters will make your HVAC system run more efficiently and last longer.

Plan your garden and go eco friendly

Start planning your yard and garden. Consider going eco-friendly, which can save you a lot of money.

For example, more garden beds means less mowing. A water collection device such as a rain barrel will save on water use. Choose native plants for your gardens, which require less watering. Using a compost bin will reduce items going to the landfill, and provide you with free soil that is rich quality.

Look for free / cheap items

When it comes to spring, if there is anything you might need for your garden or other projects, take a look at Facebook Marketplace to see if you can find low cost or free items. You can usually find a “buy nothing” group near you.

Reduce heating/cooling costs, be energy efficient

As the weather warms up, adjust your thermostat to reduce energy consumption and lower your utility bills. Open windows to let in fresh air instead of relying on air conditioning, and consider installing a programmable thermostat to regulate temperature settings automatically. Look for energy efficient appliances and LED lighting.

Dry laundry outdoors

Instead of using your dryer all the time, try to find times when you can line-dry laundry outdoors. Spring is a great time to dry clothes outdoors, as it helps to freshen and brighten them.

Try a no-spend weekend

Consider trying a spending freeze for a weekend! You can find plenty of low and no-cost activities to cut spending. Spring is a great time to think about going for a hike or doing other outdoor activities. Check out my Ideas For No Spend Weekends.

Set up Amazon Subscribe & Save

It was a while before I gave in to trying Amazon Subscribe & Save, even though I am a big Amazon customer. As the weather gets nicer, subscribe & save means I don’t have to think about running to the store all the time for essentials such as toilet paper, tissues, cleaning supplies, and even things like snacks and toothbrushes. Check out my article on Benefits of Using Amazon Subscribe & Save.