Your 50s are the prime years of life. This is the time to live your best and make the most of everything you ever wanted to. Do not let an illness worry you about your health at this stage. There are certain tests you must take in your 50s, and your doctor will recommend them. These are basic tests that can save your life. Do not underestimate the importance of them and if recommended, take them at the earliest. Here are a few common medical tests you should take in your 50s and regularly after that. 

Test your weight

A lot of people start to gain weight during their 50s. You must watch the weight gain very carefully and try to fight back by building a healthier lifestyle. Start exercising and eat healthier. Being overweight will put you at risk for several diseases.

Screening for colon cancer

Screening for colon cancer is highly recommended for everyone at 45. In the U.S., it is the second major cause of cancer deaths, and there are high chances of getting it go up after 45. The test, known as colonoscopy is highly recommended, and it is ideal to get a screening test before it is too late. 

Blood pressure

Blood pressure can become life-threatening. It can damage your brain, health, kidneys, and eyes. Do not let it ruin your health. Remember to get your blood pressure tested regularly. It is quick, cheap, and very simple. 


Once every 3-5 years, get tested for cholesterol. If your tests show high cholesterol, you could be at risk for heart attack. Get yourself tested regularly and look for healthier ways to control cholesterol like a diet change. 

Look for moles

Remember to check the skin for any moles or unusual spots and check with the doctor when you notice something unusual or new. You must ask them to check the skin from time to time if you see recurring moles.

Blood sugar

If you have untreated sugar, it could damage your health and cause kidney failure, blindness, or heart disease. Many people have blood sugar in their 40s, and it is best to get tested at the earliest. Get a blood sugar test once in 2-3 years while looking for ways to take control of the condition. 

Protect your eyes and ears 

Diseases that rob you of your vision and hearing can become more common with age. You must get the eyes and ears examined by an expert every 3-4 years until you are 60 and each year thereafter. The experts at state, “Losing your eyesight or hearing can cause huge trouble in the long term. If you notice any problems, head to the doctor right away. Some conditions could be severe and may not be caused only due to age”. 

Hepatitis C screening

It is recommended that everyone over the age of 18 years should get tested for hepatitis C. In case you have not been screened, consider taking the test at the earliest. 

Depression screening

Often overlooked, depression is a big reason for disability amongst adults, and it could increase with aging and chronic illness. However, it is not a normal aspect of the aging process and not something you should take lightly. Seek treatment if you are feeling hopeless, sad, or uninterested in things you used to love. Speak to a doctor who will see if you are depressed and will help you find a way out.

For men 

Prostate cancer screening: Men need to get prostrate cancer screening in their 50s. They should speak to the doctor when they need to be screened and if they have any symptoms. Those with a relative who suffered from prostate cancer and African American men need to speak to the doctor at an early age.

For women

Pelvic exam: Women between the ages of 30 and 65 need to combine the Pap test and HPV test. It should be taken between 3-5 years, and women over 65 can avoid getting screened if they have had three successful consecutive negative Pap tests or even two negative tests in the past ten years. Women with a habit of smoking, an HPC history, or those with a precancel diagnosis are at high risk, and they must be screened. 

Mammogram: Another extremely essential test for women in their 50s, a mammogram can help detect signs of breast cancer, and this is something everyone should take. The doctor will tell you when and how often to take the test. Timely detection can save your life. 

As you age, your body weakens and it starts showing signs of illness. Do not take them lightly, and go the extra mile to keep healthy. Avoid smoking, start building an exercise routine, and eat a healthy diet.