When it comes to getting pregnant, most women become obsessive over every sign, no matter how big or small. While 80% of couples trying to get pregnant will do so within a year, each day you wait for a positive test can feel like a lifetime. 

In talking about a suspected pregnancy, there are three categories a woman will go through before confirming that she is pregnant. They are presumptive, probable, and positive. Presumptive pregnancy signs and symptoms leading up to a confirmed pregnancy. 


If you are trying to get pregnant, you should be prepared with as much knowledge about pregnancy as possible. My Dvija provides all the advice needed when dealing with pregnancy from nutrition, exercises to online pregnancy classes. Its the perfect place to help develop your child.

What are some of the more common presumptive signs of pregnancy to look out for? We’ll cover the basics, so you can start trying to figure out if you have a baby on the way. 

The Pregnancy Timeline 

Before you try to get pregnant, you’ll want to make sure you are in optimal health. You may decide to undergo a DNA test for hereditary genetic conditions before trying to conceive. This can give you insight into your family’s health and potential genetic risks.

You measure the start of a pregnancy by the first day of the last period you missed. During ovulation, if an egg is fertilized, it takes a journey down the fallopian tubes and implants into the uterus. This process usually takes three or four days after ovulation to happen.

The embryo gets nice and snugly into your uterus in a process called implantation. Implantation can take another three or four days to occur. Once the embryo is implanted, your body will start to produce pregnancy hormones called HCG.

When these pregnancy hormones circulate through the body, you’ll notice some early signs of pregnancy. Some early symptoms are extremely common, while others are a lot more obscure.

For most people, the body doesn’t produce enough pregnancy hormones to make a detectable difference until two weeks after ovulation. Although science says you probably won’t feel too many signs of pregnancy right after ovulation, many women disagree.

Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy

Many women swear they know they’re pregnant weeks before they can take a positive pregnancy test. Although it takes some time for a body to realize it is pregnant, there are some symptoms women can detect very early on. Understanding a pregnancy timeline can help you determine if your symptom is the start of a new baby or not.

Let’s look at the seven most common signs of suspected pregnancy.

1. A Missed Period 

One of the most common signs of a presumed pregnancy is when a woman misses her period. For women with regular cycles, this can be a very telling sign that there may be a baby on the way.

A missed period is not a hard and fast pregnancy sign, though. Women with irregular menstrual cycles can have a little bit of a hard time figuring out if their missed period is a baby or not.

Different life events can put a woman’s menstrual cycle out of whack. A woman’s period could also be delayed by stress, long trips, or illness.

2. Cramping 

Another common early pregnancy sign is light cramping in the lower abdomen. This is a tricky early pregnancy symptom because it can feel just like you’re about to get your period. 

Most people describe early pregnancy cramping as a dull ache or pulling sensation. This sign is one that most women have to wait out to see if it turns out to be the start of a period or the start of a baby.

3. Fatigue 

Are you having trouble keeping your eyes open throughout the day? If so, it could be an early pregnancy sign. Fatigue is one of the most common early signs of pregnancy. 

4. Lots of Bathroom Trips 

If you find yourself taking lots of trips to use the bathroom throughout the day, it may be a sign that you are expecting. Your kidneys are one of the first places in your body to experience an increase of blood flow soon after conception. This increased blood to the kidneys will make you feel like you need to urinate more often than ever before.

5. Tender Breasts 

Another area of the body that responds to pregnancy very early on is the breasts. Many women find breast tenderness and soreness one of the first symptoms that tipped them off to pregnancy. Some women’s breast tenderness is so severe that even wearing a shirt can be a painful experience. 

6. Nausea 

Early illness and nausea is a telltale sign that you could be growing a baby. Most people associate pregnancy with morning sickness, although this can last all day .

Most people who are pregnant don’t start to feel nauseous until their sixth week of pregnancy. Although it’s not exactly known why people feel nauseous and sick when they are newly pregnant, many people think it is due to the rising hormones.

Nausea in pregnancy is so common that four out of five women will experience it very early on in their pregnancy. Eating small meals and bland food can be helpful in calming a nauseous stomach.

7. Metallic Taste in Your Mouth 

Finally, a strange early pregnancy symptom is to feel like you have a metal taste in your mouth. Some women describe the sensation as feeling like you have been sucking on a penny.

There are lots of changes to the food you want to eat and don’t want to eat when you are pregnant. This phenomenon, called dysgeusia, is also responsible for making your mouth taste like metal.

If you’re finding that things are not tasting like they should, try rinsing your mouth out with a warm salt water solution. You can also try brushing your tongue along with your teeth if your nausea can handle it!

Early Signs of Pregnancy: Know Sooner

Many women want to know they are pregnant as soon as they can. Although it’s not a perfect science, knowing the presumptive signs of pregnancy can help you detect pregnancy yourself before your test turns positive. 

Once you’ve gotten your positive pregnancy test, you’ll have lots of questions! Head over and read our other family articles for answers today.