Getting the best turf supplies cobbitty starts with understanding your landscape needs and choosing high quality turfgrass from reputable suppliers like Buffalo Turf. Proper preparation and maintenance will help ensure your new turf thrives.

Determine which turfgrass
First, determine which turfgrass variety best suits your climate and intended use – Bermuda and zoysia for warm climates, fescue and bluegrass for cooler areas. Measure your lawn size and outline any special features. This will tell you how much turf you need.
Research local turf farms and suppliers
Research local turf farms and suppliers for the freshest grass with strong root systems. Ask about turf health, fertilization history and weed/pest controls used during cultivation. Reputable turf farms harvest sod at the optimal time for transplantation.
Examine rolls
Examine rolls firsthand before purchase. Look for a dense, thick pad with no bare spots or weeds. Grass should have a consistent green color and stand up strongly with no excessive thatch. Prefabricated turf tiles offer an alternate solution, though care for natural sod better replicates lush lawns.
Schedule deliveries for installation day
Schedule deliveries for installation day so turf spends little time stacked or wrapped. Keep the turfgrass root-side down and cool until installation. For larger projects, consider rental equipment like sod cutters, trenchers and soil smoothers to prep the site. Use sharp tools for clean turf edge cuts. Unroll the sections in a staggered bricklay pattern, tamping as you go before watering heavily.
Proper turf care
Proper turf care maximizes survival post-install. Allow roots to develop before mowing high initially. Aerate compacted soils and fertilize appropriately a month later, while monitoring soil moisture levels. Overseeding thin areas as needed will maintain a vigorous lawn over time.
Troubleshooting may involve thatch removal if turf mats down, grub controls for dead patches or pH adjustments to improve nutrient availability. Topdress low areas with quality soil. An established watering/mowing routine keeps turf thriving through the seasons.
Getting lush, beautiful turf requires planning the right grass for your landscape, soil prep work, initial care and appropriate long term maintenance. Choosing the best turf supplies starts with reputable farms and a good installer. Maintaining healthy roots and soils ensures your turf will spread nicely.
What type of turfgrass grows best in my area?
Choose turf suited to your climate – cool season grasses like fescue and ryegrass for northern regions, Bermuda and zoysia for southern lawns. Check with local farms on ideal varieties.
How long does new turf take to establish?
Expect at least 2-3 weeks for turf to root strongly before resumed normal use. Water daily, allow 3 mowings before heavy use.
When’s the best time to lay new turf?
Early fall is ideal as soil temps cool and rains increase. Spring is the second best. Avoid summer heat or dry spells.
How do I encourage deeper turf roots?
Aerate compacted soils, topdress with compost, allow longer roots before mowing, water deeply and less frequently.
What causes patchy spots in my new turf?
Insufficient watering, disease, poor drainage, pets urine spots. Over seed thin areas once root is established.
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