All new parents are excited to prepare everything their little ones could possibly need. One of the biggest considerations is having a special, dedicated room for your baby – the nursery. This is the room where you’re going to spend most of your time. From the first moment you take your baby home until who knows when. Feeding, sleeping, playing, and most importantly, creating thousands of sweet memories with this furniture around. Since it is hard to narrow down the essentials, we listed the top 4 pieces that proven to be the most needed for families with a newborn.

Before going onto the list, we would like to remind you a few things to consider before purchasing furniture for a nursery room. First is space planning. Before you make any purchases, make sure you have your dedicated room measured. Make a simple layout plan and take into account the aspects of safety, comfort, and convenience. Don’t overcrowd your nursery, and make sure there is enough space for you to move around and for your kid(s) to run and play once they get on their own two feet! Another is safety consideration. When choosing the right furniture for a nursery, safety should be our top priority. Make sure to check whether the furniture meets safety standards. You can’t go wrong if you choose furniture that is GreenGuard Gold Certified. Products with this certification are made of low-emitting materials and screened for thousands of chemicals and VOCs known to pollute indoor air. This means that you will have cleaner indoor air, making your home a healthier space for your family, especially your baby.

Essential Nursery Furniture Pieces 


There are many types of cribs, such as the convertible cribs 3-in-1 and 4-in-1, as well as the crib and changer combo. These types of cribs can be used even after your baby has grown up into a toddler. This is surely a good investment. If you have a limited or small space, the combo type would be the type to consider since it comes with an attached changing station and drawer for storage.

Changing Tables

changing table or diapering station is another crucial piece of furniture in your nursery. In general, you can find a standalone changing table, a crib and changing table combo, or a dresser and changing table combo. No matter what your preference is, the most important thing is to consider the safety aspect, materials, and storage space. If you have limited space or want something more convenient, the dresser combo or the crib combo type would be a better option since it normally comes with more room for storage and everything will be within your arm’s reach. 

Nursery Rocker or Glider

Next up is the nursery chair. Whether it is a simple rocker, a glider, or a recliner, this piece is really important to have in your nursery. Aside from the crib, your baby will spend much of its time on this piece with you. It is a place for feeding your baby, rocking your baby to sleep, or reading a bedtime story once your baby is a little bit older. All these activities will enhance the bonding between the parents and the baby. You won’t be bothered spending so much time in it, as it provides comfort and support for your body.


Since a baby requires a lot of items and they keep adding up as they grow, you need to have functional and convenient storage to organize your baby clothing, diapering supplies, grooming items, blankets, and many more. Among the basic storage solutions that you can choose are dressers or chests


Don’t forget, no matter what your choices are, always put safety as your top priority. Go for furniture that meets safety standards and is guaranteed to be safe to use around babies. Only then will other factors like convenience, comfort, and aesthetics come into play.

As a general tip for expecting parents, don’t rush the preparation for the arrival of your little one. Plan, do a lot of research on babies and parenting, make wise purchasing decisions, get that nursery comfy enough, and enjoy your new journey!