You can’t have too much of a good thing. You can learn that when you browse around this website and discover tons of information about tomatoes. Extending your growing season means you’ll have even more delicious fruits you enjoy so much.

Why would you want to extend your growing season?
The reason is that you’ll get to enjoy more delicious tomatoes. You can eat them yourself, give them as gifts, or can them for when fresh tomatoes are way too expensive. Not only that but there’s something fantastic about looking at your harvest and seeing your hard work paying off.
What varieties should you grow?
Okay, so here’s the low down: there’s a lot of debate around this topic in tomato-loving circles. Do you plant tomato plants that harvest early or are heartier, enabling you to harvest later in the season? The answer to that question depends on where you’re located and what the weather in your area is like.
The top three tomato plants known for their early growth rates are Early Girl, Cherry Bomb, and Stupice. Cold-tolerant varieties like Oregon Spring and Glacier can withstand cooler temperatures if you’re looking for tomato plants that you can harvest in the colder months. Determining which tomato plants are for you might take a little trial and error.
It’s always a good idea to talk to someone at your local garden supply center when you’re in doubt. Anyone working there should have a good idea of what varieties are best for your climate. This is one of those things that you should leave to the pros because no one knows tomato plants better than those who sell the seeds.
Start your seeds indoors
Some of you will buy tomato plants that have been started from seed; there’s nothing wrong with that. However, some of you want to go the extra mile and control the entire process from seed to fruit. If that describes you, then you should, without a doubt, start your seeds inside.
You start your seeds indoors by placing them in a warm area, ideally between 70-80°F, and ensure they get plenty of light. Your tomato plants need 6 to 8 hours of sunlight and this is something that you can’t scrimp on.
Make sure that you protect your tomato plants
Protective plastic covers can protect your tomato plants during times of frost. If you’re growing the late harvesting varieties, frost will be a major concern. You combat frost by placing plastic covers over your tomato plants. You can buy plastic covers or make your own using clear plastic sheets and some wooden stakes to create a greenhouse effect.
Keep an eye on water and fertilizer
You don’t want to overwater your tomatoes, or that will cause big problems, especially if you’re planting late harvesting plants. A balanced fertilizer high in phosphorus will ensure that your tomato plants produce lots of fruits that you can enjoy in the following days, weeks, and months.
Who doesn’t love the idea of having more tomatoes at harvest time? Everyone loves the idea of having so many tomatoes that you don’t know what to do with them. If you follow these tips, have some luck, and put your green thumb to use, you’ll have so many tomatoes you won’t know what to do with them.
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