Regarding house painting, prep work can make a huge difference. It can make the job go much faster, save money, and ensure a better finish!

Small knick-knacks, souvenirs, and decorative items should be put away. Leaving them on display will mean they could be damaged by paint splatter.

Remove All Delicates

Before a house painter arrives at your door, you must remove all your prized possessions from the floor. For the most part, painters like exterior house painters near me will protect your belongings with tarps or drop cloths, but if your prized possessions are left lying around, they could get mangled, mangled, and mangled again in an unlucky paint job. Also, if you are lucky enough to have a maid on hand, get her to help you by cleaning up the mess and ensuring all your valuables are properly secured to avoid theft. The best place to find these items is your bedroom closet and attic or garage for precious stuff.

Remove All Furniture

If you have a lot of furniture in your home, removing it before the painters come is best. This is important for minimizing the number of accidents that can occur, but it also helps reduce the cost of your painting project.

It is also a good idea to remove wall hangings such as paintings, mirrors, and pictures before a painter arrive to begin work on the walls. Putting these items under a drop cloth or sheet may be possible, but removing them from the room completely is best to ensure they do not become damaged during the process.

Lastly, you should also remove all of your personal belongings from the room that is being painted. This includes lamps, TVs, rugs, and other accessories that will become drenched in paint. Taking these things out of the room will make it easier for your painter to complete their job faster and more efficiently.

Remove All Curtains and Blinds

One of the best ways to prepare your home for house painters is to remove all curtains and blinds. This will give the painting crews a clear path to work on windows and trims and save you from accidental paint splatters in your home.

Removing blinds and curtains lets you clean them thoroughly before the painters arrive. Spritz with a 25 percent solution of white vinegar and 75 percent water to remove dust, or wipe down the front and back of the slats using a soft cloth.

Alternatively, you can use a cleaning solution with no bleach to remove mildew and mold. However, it is essential to patch-test any cleansing solution on a small, inconspicuous area first.

Remove All Light Fixtures

Light fixtures come in all shapes and sizes. They can be made of various materials, from crystal to polished metal, and all require special attention to detail when it comes to cleaning.

If you remove all your light fixtures to prepare your home for house painters, you must do so safely and carefully. First, turn off the power at your circuit breaker or fuse box.

Once the power is off, lower the old fixture to the floor or a safe ladder and remove the mounting screws. This should expose the wires behind it and make them easy to remove.

Disconnect the black and white wires, stripping about 1/4 inch of insulation from each end. You may also see a copper (or green) wire, which will be connected to either a green ground screw or a dedicated copper wire inside your ceiling box.