Something that is as old as time itself, the postal service. This started at the beginning of time, when runners and later horseback riders would be sent by the pharaoh to a neighboring town or country to deliver a message. This message could start a war or stop a war, the importance of such services has not changed much but the possibilities have though. 

If we look at USPS tracking for instance, a service offered that the pharaohs didn’t have, parcel tracking. We will look at growth in this market with the three top in its class postal services in the world.

Top 3 of the Biggest Postal Services

The mere size of these companies are extravagant. They are providers for so many families around the world that they deserve medals upon medals for their accomplishments. Letā€™s look at some of the biggest postal services in the world.   

  • USPS. The United States Postal Service reported above 75 billion in revenue for 2022 and they employ well over a few hundred thousand employees. They also cater for any international delivery you might need as well as USPS tracking.
  • China Post. They reported a revenue of well over the 70 billion mark and employ not only a few hundred thousand employees nationwide. International delivery is also part of their services they provide.
  • Deutsche Post. Publicly owned and over 60 billion in revenue reported and they employ over the few hundred thousand mark. International deliveries are available. 

All of the above postal services can be tracked using PKGEā€™s web page.

Ways to Track Your Parcel

Package tracking can happen through each individual provider or you can simply go to PKGE who tracks the world and beyond, or as soon as the possibilities arrive for beyond. Doing your parcel tracking through PKGE is simple enough by following these simple steps.

  1. Click on the USPS tracking link. You will be directed to a web page of PKGE. 
  2. Fill in your tracking number in the block provided and press the ā€œTrack Packageā€ tab to the right. 
  3. That was easy wasn’t it? For any other questions follow step one and then you can scroll down instead of following step 2. 

There are advantages to tracking your packages and it’s certainly worth it to know where it is at any given time. The horse and couch postal service was seen as advancements in their time, nowadays a quick flight over the continent is merely a daily task for some one.