It may appear as though we have to choose between bringing up children and attempting to maintain our homes clean, attractive, and well organised. This is a common misconception. Children can be likened to miniature tornadoes of destruction, and the toll that they take on our homes cannot be overstated. The majority of parents react by childproofing their homes, but in the process, they frequently sacrifice their sense of style. What would you think, then, if we told you that there is a way to make sure that your house is both childproof and up to trend, without the two things causing problems for each other? It is feasible; all that is required is to make astute purchasing decisions and thoughtful design selections.

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If all of the surfaces are simple to clean, then the initial obstacle that stood in your way has been removed. It is recommended that you make sure the walls are wipeable and that you choose flooring made of hardwood with wool rugs for both comfort and durability. It is much simpler to clean a rug than it is to clean a carpet, and wooden flooring makes it possible to swiftly clean up any spills or dirt that may occur. Choose patterned fabric for any soft furnishings rather than plain fabric since stains are far less likely to show up on the patterned fabric. Even sofas ought to be upholstered in long-lasting materials, such as faux leather of a high enough quality. These will be simpler to clean, but they will also be less likely to be damaged when children roughhouse on them. After a particularly messy lunch, it is considerably simpler to clean a dining room furnished with high-gloss dining room furniture. Ketchup and bean stains, for example, may be removed with much less effort. Silks, velvets, and other materials that are not too fond of saliva from babies should be avoided at all costs. It is also a good idea to store lovely items on modern architectural shelving and to make wall art the focal point of the design of your home so that the youngsters will not be able to reach any of it.

Embrace pattern

A room that is lacking in character can be elevated with the addition of a geometric motif here and a chevron element there, even in the absence of children. But when it comes to children, pattern is your best friend because it can hide those annoying stains and fingermarks. If you do not want to make a long-term commitment to a patterned sofa, you can cover a neutral sofa with a fabric that can be washed.

Or go neutral

The trick is to find a wall surface or paint that is washable in order to deal with fingerprints or even your child’s impromptu wall mural. Instead of matt paint, choose silk or eggshell because it can be cleaned easily. Eggshell paint has a durable finish but lacks the gloss of silk paint. If you want something that is a little more matte, you should use eggshell paint because it has a tough finish. The vast majority of paint manufacturers also produce specialised varieties of wipeable and stain-resistant paint. Invest on magic erasers as well, as these will make short work of erasing any sketches that may appear on the walls.

Get storage savvy

The things that children appear to have, despite the fact that they do not require them, can make a home appear extremely cluttered and disorganised if they are not put away. In this situation, ingenious storage solutions are the best possible response; therefore, it is time to get creative. Those odd tiny alcoves that do not serve any use can have cupboard doors installed to them, you can buy a bed that has ottoman storage built into it, and you should spend some time organising the space in the attic; any more storage space is helpful. The living area would benefit greatly from the inclusion of an ottoman rather than a coffee table. Not only is it ideal for stowing away toys, but it is also a lot safer for infants who are just learning to walk and want to pull themselves up onto furniture.


Families typically find more success in houses with open floor plans as opposed to ones with closed doors and distinct rooms. When the children are occupied in the living room, it is much simpler for mom (and dad!) to keep an eye on them from the kitchen because there is direct visibility into that space. If your house can accommodate the alterations, it will make things a lot simpler for you and your family.

Having children does not mean that your home needs to lose its elegant style and contemporary edge; rather, it is all about finding solutions that allow the two to coexist and work well together.