Recycling has become much more popular as everyone strives to do their bit to save the planet. It’s not just good for the environment, it’s also good for your wardrobe. Too many prom dresses are used once and hung in the wardrobe for years. Recycling allows someone else to enjoy the dress or you to wear it for another occasion. 

Buy Wisely

In the past, it was necessary to invest in a ballgown-style dress. This created a classic and beautiful look but also makes it very difficult to use the dress for anything else. Fortunately, times have changed and the array of dress options has expanded considerably. Take a look at the Hello Molly range and you’ll find prom dresses to suit all personalities and body types. 

Best of all, many of these dresses are cheaper than the traditional prom dress, allowing you to save money on your dress. This also makes it easier to recycle as less-traditional dresses are easier to be used on other occasions. 

For example, they can often be got out at birthday celebrations or anniversary parties. Each time you wear it you’ll be recycling and you can remind yourself of your prom.

Sell It

Perhaps the simplest way of recycling your prom dress is to put it up for sale. You may be surprised at how many people will be interested in your dress for their own prom or another event. If you do this soon after prom the dress is still fashionable and you can recoup half of what you spent. 

Alongside this, recycling means fewer wasted resources, that’s better for the environment. 

Modify It

Another option to recycle your dress is to use it again yourself. But, this time, you do it with a difference. You can shorten the dress, extend it, adjust the waistline or even the neck. Alongside this, it’s possible to add additional accessories or even remove some. 

Whichever option or combination of options you choose you will appear to have a completely new dress which can be worn to another special event. 

Donate It

You don’t have to make money selling your dress. If you prefer you can donate it to a worthy cause. For example, if you have a cousin, sister, or close friend that wants the dress you can, simply give it to them. It will allow the dress to be used again. 

Or, if you prefer, you can take it to your nearest charity shop and donate it to them. They will sell it in their shop and someone will get a pretty dress for a bargain price. It’s a great way of helping others to have a stunning dress that you no longer need. 

Whatever you decide, remember that recycling your prom dress is a better option than having it sat in a wardrobe gathering dust for years. After all, no matter how much you love the dress, if you ask yourself honestly whether you’ll wear it again, the answer is likely to be no.